The castle

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"Sooo that was the maids quarters...?" Tom asked trying to make a conversation after the awkward moment that they shared until now.
"Correct, now...What were you doing there?" Tord asked still conflicted with his emotions,
It was envy for the attention Thomas was receiving from the maids. Nothing more to it.
"Got lost again... yesterday however there was this tons of maids trying to help only they couldn't speak English so that didn't work, then that fine maid from earlier came and she spoke English! she offered me to spent the day with her I took the opportunity even though she had work, you wouldn't believe how seeing maids work is interesting ! Thought to ask her to show me around instead since you declined , however you came when I was just about to ask"
Tom plainly answered with all the details.
'Thought to ask her to show me around'
Why does that sentence hurt? A lone maid paying attention to him... only him...
"No matter " Tord waved both Tom and the stabbing feeling off
"Where would you like to go first?" Tord then quizzes noticing only now how big the castle is and how complex it's to choose with which room to start first.
"You're the guide" Tom shrugged "alright... how about the library? It's the closest" Tord comments "I thought it was the maids quarters that was the closest" Tom retorted "I'm sure you know that area well already " Tord replied with venom
Why bringing this up makes me feel so... irritated?
"Gee, calm down princess it's not like I took your favorite dress or anything "
Tom said with a smirk, proud of the insult he made up
"I swear to god Thomas! You laugh of that again and I will execute you "
"A good one" Tom responded with a couple laughs
"Can we just get this over with? Calmly?" Tord begged which made Tom to be taken aback but shortly he nodded his head in agreement
Montage time!(the next descriptions suck badly,you've been warned)
The royal library in Norway was rather small and contained only Norwegian books , that disappointed the knight although after Tom found where Tord's secret hideout door was, he was cheered up
"At least you have comfortable armchairs to read in" Tom tried to compliment
"You're not good at this" Tord replied with a chuckle
Next Tord exposed Tom to his lessons floors and rooms all of the rooms close to each others
Tom found it very convenient for his job as he commented it out loud Tord just rolled his eyes
Every room was likely the same with some little adjustments for every class and teacher "rich boy got his own school" "oh shut it, it's not like I asked for it "
The next area Tord showed the blue clad was the knight's dining room
(Just imagine a medieval times raspy room with tons of knights with mostly the same armor eating , drinking and chatting, like a fancier saloon)
"I didn't know they had a room for the knights to eat at!" Tom gasped
"Where did you ate until now?" Tord asked curious "it was sent to my room by some maids every day " Tom answered
Again with this pain... for their mention?
Next place was the king's discussion room, Tom knew that room well since it was the first room he was led to at the palace
As more and more rooms were shown to the blue knight such as the portraits room where the royalties would get themselves drawn
Or the meeting room where only generals and the king and queen are allowed to enter. Tom saw the ball room too
The living room was shown as well as the royal bedrooms quarters

The tour was officially over and Tord decided to accompany the knight to his room
On the way there Tom stopped on his tracks and turned his head to a room he wasn't 'introduced' to.
"What is in this room?" Tom asked stepping closer to the door "that old room? That's just the music room, nothing interesting there except for some old instruments " Tord replied "are you joking?!" Tom exclaimed and burst the door open
"WoW" Tom said as he moved in the dusty room looking at all the variety of instruments laying down seemingly not being used for a few years.
"Is that a guitar?" Tom asked as he moved his hand through one of the instruments
"Yes, I can recall you like guitars right?" "You're kidding? I love them!"
"Well then you might as well take it, you can see we don't use any of those any longer, especially a guitar " Tord plainly stated "I can't take gifts, not from you for sure" Tom instantly replied with a frown , how much he longed for his fingers to play the guitar again alas he couldn't
"At least play with it so it won't go to waste" Tord tried to convince the knight slowly realizing the old days "maybe " Tom was half flying back in memories in his replies "who knows maybe I'll join you once" Tord said
"You know how to play an instrument?" Tom asked gently returning his gaze to the prince behind him "not really, although I am called for my voice"
"I would love to hear that" Tom teased, his usual sarcasm coming little by little back to him "I don't think so " Tord remarked returning to himself too
There was a few moments of silence as the two took in the view
Tord then sighed "such a waste of good quality "
"You're right...Maybe we could revive the place..." Tom spoke slowly as an idea was gathering on his mind

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