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Tord walked off the two British royals as they kept picking on him if it's for his accent or his silent sometimes they're so desperate to see any kind of pain on Tord's face they start laughing on his parents

Tord couldn't care less about the conversation he didn't hide his feelings he's just not offended by them as a lot others tried before

Not to remind you he's not in the right mind listening to their insults Tord listensto his head which was full of questions might even say longings

At dinner he kept quiet now his parents were there to notice the odds

They didn't worry because they needed to keep a nice atmosphere in the room between the two royal families and also for the reason they were aware of their child behavior around royalties

When the door shut behind the Norwegian family Tord's parents turned to the problem from their son

"Sønn, hvorfor var du så stille hele dagen at du har et dårlig førsteinntrykk på det viktigste kongeriket i De forente land"
("Son why were you so quiet the whole day you gave a bad first impression on the most important kingdom of the united countries ")

The king marked in Norwegian Tord snapped out of his trance for a welcoming to reality that made Tord frown

His mother steps in hinting the king to talk nicer

"Tord kjære vi er rett og slett bekymret for deg, du er vanligvis ikke så stille, vi vil bare barnet vårt best, la oss hjelpe deg med det som plager en så ung gutt"
("Tord dear we're simply worried for you, you're not so quiet usually, we just want our child best, please let us help you with whatever bothering such a young boy ")

The mother then tries to get the information by the old being nice way
when Tord knew it doesn't matter if he wished to tell them he just has to as his parents probably suspect the town might already influenced the prince so he thought fast as he was taught to

"Jeg er svimmel av den lange turen mor etter alt det hadde vært min første gang på et skip"
("I'm dizzy from the long ride mother after all it had been my first time on a ship ")

Tord was surprised by his own words that excuse was perfect and like that his parents believed his words by his father humming and mother sighs in a relief tone

"Selvfølgelig min kjære, vi legger oss tidlig så vi alle kommer oss etter turen"
("Of course my dear we'll head to sleep early so we all recover from the trip")

She summed up and the family was guided to their rooms

Now Tord was off of the start of the day he replayed in his mind the conversation with the royal kids to see how he may improve the next time he'll have to talk with them

Then "si mor-" ("say mother-")

"Ja mitt kjære barn?"("Yes my dear child?")

"Jeg kunne ikke helt forstå samtalen med vertene våre, de stadig tok opp noe om at jeg var forlovet...?"
("I couldn't quite understand the conversation with our hosts they kept bringing up something about me being engaged...?")

The queen had a strict expression by that the king took the lead

"Min kjære sønn, du er forlovet med prinsessen"
("My dear son you're betrothed with the princess ")

"Hva jeg skjønner ikke..."("Wh-what I don't get it...") Tord mumbles he didn't actually believe his parents would do such thing to him

"Mitt barn, det er til det beste for deg og vårt rike"
("My child it's for the best for you and our kingdom ") the father continued

"Men burde jeg ikke i det minste velge en prinsesse å leve med resten av livet?"
("But shouldn't I at least choose a princess to be living with for the rest of my life?")

"Noen får sjansen til å velge og noen er det dessverre ikke du"
("Some get the chance to choose and some not unfortunately you're not")

Tord was so full of feelings washing over him he ran to his door with tears at the corner of his eyes Paul and Patrick was waiting at the prince's current door that way he knew it was his and jump on his bed he was so overwhelmed and tired he instantly fell asleep he couldn't hear his parents entering the room seeing his fast asleep and both the king and queen kissing his forehead for goodnight

The loyal knights of Tord was out his door feeling sorry for the young prince that has to grow up so young when the king and queen existed the door the guards straightened when they were out of sight the bodyguards sighed

"We have to cheer him up somehow "

Pat said in English since it was both home language (and bc I'm too lazy to copy paste more Norwegian)gazing at the sleeping prince with a saddened face

"What can we do Pat? We're only guardsmen what he needs is a friend his age to comfort the poor little guy"

Paul comment made Pat's head pop an idea

"Hey Paul...remember the fancy kid from the apple counter...?"

Patrick looks at Paul with a smirk

"Pat you don't say-"

"I know it'll take us the whole night to find him but it's for Tord and-"

"Hold on I'm in Patrick no need for further begging "

"I can't wait to see Tord's face tomorrow "

Shallow loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя