Dinner is served

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Previous on shallow love forgive forget:a

there's a job application you get after winning a contest against the best knights of all the united countries in Europe-"

"Norway royal family invited all the gentlefolks for a welcoming dinner for you know welcoming"

L"Don't you think I'm going through the forgive forget Edd and Matt pulling up I didn't forgive and I will never forget...."l  

Tord wasn't moving shocked by what he just heard he was overwhelmed with those old feelings he couldn't hear when tom walked away


Tord was finally out of his trance of memories he then looked around to see what happened while his mind wasn't here

He was already clean with rather fancier clothes for greeting the guests he sat on his chair in his room in front of his mirror the maids who helped him were nowhere to be seen

Tord sighed when a knock was heard from his door

"Their majesties are at the door your highness waiting "

Spoke professionally an old waitress then opened the door revieling the king and queen

Tord didn't respond only standing up and passing the door where his parents were waiting 

"Hei kjære"("Hello darling ")

"Kveldssønn"("Evening son")

Tord made a grin it wasn't fake he truly loved his parents and every time they talked which was rare it made Tord's day although the circumstances weren't his favorite 

"La oss gå min kjære gjestene venter"("Let's go my dear the guests are waiting ")

"Hei ... kan jeg spørre noe mor?"("Hey...may I ask something mother?")

tord carefully questioned

"Alt for deg mitt kjære barn"("anything for you my dear child"

"vel da har jeg lurt på ..."("well then I've been wondering...")


"TOM" edd yelled at the blue knight as he got off his horse 

"heya" tom replied "where did you take tord to? i sure hope his alright or you're in big trob-"

"yeah yeah don't worry edd i only took him where he needed to be anyway where's matt?"

"inside getting ready I guess he said he'll go with his own carriage the one became with and forgot about when he met us" sounds like Matt they both agreed

 edd and him went with their horses to they're own place they stay at to have a normal dinner for them it was normal at least

On they're way Tom and edd shared a small talk however Tom paid no mind of what the conversation was about was his mind was trailing off to the horned like male memories flash in and so does Tom's anger and betrayal

"Tom do you think we can actually win that competition "edd said with every word loosing his confidence "why of course Edward I am sure in 100% we'll kick them all" 

Tom confirms shifting his hand around edd's shoulder thatshow it is between the two when one is down the other is to bring him back up same with their opinions talking about opinions

"Tom why don't you forgive tord? It's been years since then I'm sure he changed"

Tom sighed moving his hands off Edd "by the eyes I saw I wouldn't be so sure about that"

Back to our lovely prince

The prince was eating rather slowly his food he already greeted everyone along with Matt though tord was sitting with his parents only at a separate table far away from the one the marquise was at

The hall was full of nobles and riches across the United kingdoms with round tables with a white tablecloth waiters and waitresses wondering around the hall serving dinner

Tord was focused of his parents answer from earlier

Flash back

"Jeg har lurt på noen rykter jeg hørte i dag ... Noe om en riddere rundt om i verden konkurranse?"

("I've been wondering about some rumors I heard today... Something about a knights around the world competition ?")

His father took the lead again  "Disse ryktene er riktig sønn de er en tidlig gave til den snart 18 prinsen"

( "those rumors are correct son they are an early present for the soon to be 18 prince") a grin crossed his father's face it made tord a bit cooler 

"Gratulerer med dagen kjære"("happy birthday dear") his mother said happily

End of flashback

Now tord realized the situation his going to see his friends fight and get hurt

If you can call Tom a friend

He has to calm down after all it's not like they're going to die maybe a few bruises if they won't be careful all tord could do is come straight afterwards and make sure 

"not even a wave for us? You sure lost manners when we were gone"

"paul? Patryk? " tord jumps off his sit to give his ex bodyguards a handshake so tight to show he's wish for a hug "wow how much you've grown Young man" pat gasped earning a giggle from the two others 

Tord was so thrilled meeting his second perants as he called them again he forgot about tomorrow and so the rest of the night tord catches up with the two


sorry it took so long I have a big up coming tests this month and my stress would only let me stare at the ceiling and give up on life

A/n it took me soooo long school has been badass 

Not to mention how hard this ugly sketch took me

Thanks for staying see ya soon hopefully 

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