The waiter returned with Jimin's correct order and the boy nodded thankfully.

"Let's eat and get food drunk." Hea announced.

"Amen to that." Daniel agreed and ate his cake.


"It was a wonderful night guys! See the squad again at graduation." Hoseok cheered as everyone bid each other good-bye.

Hea and Jimin were not in the mood to go home with the guys as yet, so they went for a walk along the Han River.

"This is peaceful." Hea sighed, contently.

"Yea, it most definitely is." Jimin agreed looking at the reflection of the moon in the water.

It was silent again as they held each other close and enjoyed the serene atmosphere.

"...Hea?" Jimin called after a while.

She looked at him like if he was the most precious thing in the world. She just couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

"I just thought I'd say it because it took me a long time to realize this but when I finally did a month ago, I can't help but want it no other way. Thank you for being here for me. I love you."

Hea saw he was tearing up and she kissed near his tear before it dropped to the ground.

"I wouldn't care if I had to sell my soul to be near to you. I would do it in a heartbeat, Baby. I love you too, so much."

They then kissed under the night's sky.

It was nothing but purity, affection and trust.

"Come on, let's get you home,  Love. We'll cuddle but I can't promise with Casper cause he seems to like your hyungs' bed more."

Jimin giggled lightly, wiping his fresh tears. "Then let's go, my girlfriend."

"Sure thing, my boyfriend."

The two walked home talking about all sorts of things and made each other smile.

When they arrived, they took separate showers.

Hea then walked in Jimin's room drying her hair and stopped short. She had to do a double take to make sure she was in the right room.

She could not believe what she was hearing.

An angel.

Someone's soft voice echoed through the walls of the room and it was coming from the bathroom.

Jimin was...singing.

Hea was absolutely starstruck. He looked like an angel and he has the singing voice of an angel.

He was perfect.

The door opened and Hea flinched out of her trance.

Jimin stood in the doorway like a deer caught in headlights.

"Um... How long were you here?" He fidgeted.

"Long enough." Hea whispered and took strides toward him.

"I. Did. Not. Know. My. Baby. Could. Sing." She gave him a peck on his face after every word.

Jimin giggled because it was ticklish and Hea had a great idea.

She picked him up and placed him on the bed. She hovered over him.

"How did you not tell me?" She asked smiling.

"Um." Was all Jimin could say.

"Guess I have to bring out the big boys..."

Hea started tickling him and was enjoyed when she saw the delightful squeals of her boyfriend.

My Innocent Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now