Chapter 9

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Two weeks later, Hea and Jimin were in class early. Waiting for the teacher and the other students.

He was marking her homework and with a shocked face, he turned to her.

"Hea, you got all correct! Congratulations." He applauded her quietly and her eyes widened.

"Really?! From six out of ten to full marks?" She grabbed her book and he wasn't lying.

There it was, 100% written in red ink.

Hea laughed and turned to him with a smile. "What magic have you done on me Park Jimin?"

He laughed. "It's all your hard work. You'll get good distinctions if you keep this up."

The bell rang and the suddenly students started piling in.

In these past two weeks, Jimin constantly worked with Hea and everyone was surprised to see her sitting next to him. At the front of the class. Taking notes.

Obviously she still pulled pranks and fought people every now and then. But only because they messed with Jimin. If anyone bad talked him, they'd have to deal with Hea and everyone knew not to piss her off, if they loved their life.

Jimin also felt comfortable with her. His friends teased him about it but he kept denying it saying they were just friends. Although, he still couldn't shrug off the feeling that maybe, just maybe they were right. But he wasn't sure.

Hea didn't believe her friends either. When they'd tease her about spending more time with Jimin. Even Daniel joined Yoongi and Hoseok in teasing the girl. She'd just throw them a middle finger and laugh it off.


Mrs. Lee walked in and glanced at Hea which as usual, the girl sent her a teasing wink.

No one knew what the problem was between the teacher and student and no one even tried to find out.

"So class. Today we'll be doing a revision. Of all topics. Put your books away."

The class groaned except Hea and Jimin. Jimin didn't because he knew everything. Hea didn't because she frankly didn't care, as long as it wasn't going for marks.

"First question from Science. What's the answer?"

Everyone stared at the question and answers on the board. Jimin knew the correct one but he was too shy to raise his hand so he waited.

Hea was praying the teacher didn't call her.

"No one has the answer?"

The class was silent.

"Fine. I will start picking... Yuna."

The girl looked up. "Ummmmm. B?"

"Incorrect! Josh."


"Incorrect as well." Mrs. Lee glanced around the class. "Hea." She smiled evilly.

"Fuck." The girl whispered.

Jimin looked to his side. "We studied this last week. Remember, come on."

On Jimin's encouragement, Hea sighed.

'Come on Hea! Think, think, think.'

She glanced at Jimin and he gave her an encouraging nod.

"The answer is A."

The whole class was silent and Jimin smiled in tiny.

".... That's correct..." To say Mrs. Lee was shocked, would be an understatement.

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