Chapter 32

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Weeks passed, and Hea's relationship went well.

With Jimin's help, she learned to accept the fact that her father would never actually be her dad, and she learned to control her anger again.

Today was the last day of exams and when it finally finished, Hea burst out of the examination room like a boss.

"It's partyyyy time bitches."

Jimin followed close behind.

"Careful there, Hea. Don't get too overconfident." He smiled.

"Me? Overconfident? Hell nah. I am just happy that shit is done and over with!"

"No more studying. No more school. No more Mrs. Lee!" She fanned herself dramatically.

"Just quality time with my cute, handsome, sweet boyfriend."

Jimin just kept quiet with a smile on his face as the girl talked.

The hallways were buzzing and they barely managed to make their way to the cafeteria.

Everyone sat at a big table and ate food while chatting.

"I propose a toast!" Hea joked, holding up her soda.

Her boyfriend, cousin and her and Jimin's friends looked up and did the same.

"To freedom!"

"To freedom!" They all chorused and drank their soda.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Daniel asked everyone.

"We are gonna go back at our place and chill." Hoseok answered for himself and his boyfriend.

"Me and Jungkook are going to play games all night since we are tired from council duties."

"Yep! Glad that's over with." Jungkook agreed with Taehyung.

"Jimin and I are busy also." Hea answered.

"We are?" Jimin asked in confusion looking at her.

"We are." She smirked.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Oh not that, you dirty minded sons of a gun."

"What?" Jimin asked, in full confusion making everyone laughed.

"Don't worry about it, baby." She pecked him on his pouting lips.

"Well I am just gonna spend time with my girlfriend."

Hea choked on her drink.

"Girlfriend?! Since whennnn?"

Daniel shrugged. "Since two months ago."

"I bet it's the cute worker from the fast food place. " Yoongi joked.

"It is actually." He said, coolly.

Now it was Yoongi's turn to choke on his drink.

Jimin and his friends were lost as to what was going on until Hea explained to them.

"So he's what we call the flirt king. Always making girls shy and all that. But a day when we were out, he flirted with this worker and she flirted back making him shy."

"Looks like you finally found your match!" Jungkook laughed.

"She definitely is."

"You totally should introduce me." Hoseok mused.

Yoongi side eyed his boyfriend and everyone at the table laughed.

"Calm down Yoongi. You know I only got eyes for you."

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