Chapter 34

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"Seriously though. I don't like you." Jimin pouted.

"I know you don't. You love me." Hea winked as she styled her hair, standing next to Jimin in front of the mirror.

"Aishhh. How am I supposed to cover this?" He pointed to his neck.

The girl smirked looking at it and did a camera gesture with her hands.

"Work of art." She clicked her tongue.

"No help. Literally." The boy pouted and turned back to the mirror.

"Oh I would help." She said reaching his ear level.

"I would help you decorate the blank spaces." She whispered seductively in his ear.

Jimin blushed as she did that while recalling their intense make out session from the Pocky game.

Hea laughed at his frozen expression.

"Just cover it with makeup although I would rather you have it on display but I don't want to make you comfortable at the same time."

Hea handed him some of her makeup and helped him to cover up the marks on his neck.

When her shirt dipped, his eyes widened in the mirror.

"Uh.." He pointed. "Aren't you going to cover yours..." He asked quietly.

She chuckled mischievously. "Nope. My Baby gave me these with soooo much love. Why would I cover it?"

"We are going to school, Hea!" He squeaked, getting shy.

"I don't care. You were hotttt when you began to su-"

Jimin immediately covered her mouth as Namjoon came in.

"Okay lovebirds, breakfast is ready."

Hea smiled at him even though he could only see her eyes and Jimin nodded sweetly.

Namjoon just laughed and exited the room.

Jimin let go and Hea kissed him.

"Calm down, Darling. Let's get to school."

"Ah I am so nervous."

"I am sure you did exceptionally great though." Hea furrowed her eyebrows. "You're literally the smartest in the school."

"I am not." He shook his head.

"Guys," Hea called as they reached downstairs. "Don't you think Jimin did great in exams?"

All the boys shouted yes and she turned to him. "See?"

"Yah, if you stress about results you will get thin. Come eat." Jin called him with the pan in his hand and Jimin laughed.

"Alright fine."

Hea sat next to Yoongi and he tapped her. "You both disappeared last night, what did you guys do?" He teased.

"Oh don't worry. We just sucked neck." Hea chuckled. "I want to wait for at least until we graduate."

"Wow, who would've thought you have so much patience. I know deep down you just want to rip his clothes off and fuck him all night."

She smiled. "We really are best friends for the plain reason you know me so well."

"Anyways. Good luck for today, are you nervous?"

"Full on nervous. But I know Jimin is more anxious so I am trying to be there for him."

"You both know your fathers will receive the results still so that's why you're worrying about impressing them. Just remember that whatever the outcome is, you did your best."

My Innocent Baby BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin