Chapter 29

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"Come on Hea! It's literally the last day of the week, you can't skip school today."

Hea and Yoongi stood outside the school, arguing.

The girl wanted to skip but Yoongi was tasked with getting her to come to school, since he's the only one stubborn enough.

"That's exactly why I can skip. It's Friday! No one likes school on Friday. They're just thinking bout the weekend!"

The girl was about to turn around when she saw Jimin walking in.

Their eyes met and Jimin immediately looked away.

Hea couldn't stop staring.

His puffy eyes, showed that he obviously did cry and it was because of her, plunging her further into guilt.

She watched as he lowered his head and quickly walked away.

"Let's just go." She said quietly and walked away from Yoongi into the compound.

He followed her shaking his head at both their stubbornness.

Hea walked in class and everyone went silent.

Taking a seat at the back, she put her head on the desk waiting for the lady to show up.

Thanks to Hea, the entire class remained quiet until Mrs. Lee came and the woman began reviews.

"So as you might have heard. Finals are in a month, I hope you've started your studying. After that one month, you guys are free so make the best of your time now. You might miss one another. Or you might not. As a teacher, I know I will miss every one of you."

The students couldn't care less about the whole emotional speech she just gave because they knew she was happy they were leaving. And they were even happier.

Hea of course, scoffed at the last thing she said.

The bell rang, putting the students out their misery and as usual, they rushed out of there.

Jimin lingered a bit wanting to see what the girl would do, trying to play it off as he was packing his bag.

But when he saw her put on headphones and close her eyes with feet on the desk, he just left the classroom.

Hea opened her eyes when he left and watched his figure walk away.

'Maybe we're better off alone.' She thought.

Even though, she felt a million knives stab her at that moment, she watched him from afar, making sure no one picked on him while he was leaving for the cafeteria.


Class ended quickly and just as Hea was about to leave the compound, her phone rang.

"What?" She answered Yoongi.

"I am seriously about to leave this place, why would I go back?"

"Ugh fine." She cut the call and stormed back inside.

The man said he needed help with something and was in his classroom. If she didn't show up, he threatened to leave her outside the house, her next time being drunk.

She arrived at the familiar classroom.

"Honestly though. You guys' classroom is so much better than ours." She muttered under her breath.

"Yoongi! Bitch I swear if you made me walk back in here for nothing." She called getting impatient.

Hea heard shuffling and spun around thinking it was Yoongi, however the face she saw made her stop dead in her tracks.

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