ⅩⅥ. You

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"I missed you" It echoes in his ears as he heard it again and again.

"You don't remember me, Dream. You met me at the hospital for the first time" George noticed that Clay had stopped walking, so he did the same, to wait. He turned his gaze towards him, Clay walks closer giving him a hug from behind "H-huh?"

"No. I missed you so fucking much," He took a deep breath as his larger body continues to devour the smaller male's tightly "I don't get how you could resist leaving me alone."

"No, Dream. You're just saying that to make me feel better, It's alright if you don't remember me at all, we can start at the beginning" George felt Clay's grip slowly getting tight as the time passes.

"We can't start at the beginning if it didn't end at all. I didn't forget you, George, I never will," He felt George's muscles tensed below him after he said that, "I cannot afford to start over again, it will not be the same as it is before" Clay leaned his head on George's, his hands gripped gently on his waist

"W-what do you mean?"

"I would never forget you, George. You're always in my mind since day one" Clay's thumb rubs gently on the curves of his waist. George felt himself loosing breath of how tight Clay's grip had become

"D-Dream, I-I can't breath-e" Clay quickly loosened his grip but never let go "You can let go of me now, Dream" he said through his nervous laugh

"No, not until you say you missed me too"

"Okay, fine. I missed you too"

"You didn't meant it" Clay had buried his face on the crook of his neck, breathing warmly through his clothed skin.

"Dream, stop"

"Stop what?"

He got quiet. He'd be out of his mind if he says to stop with whatever he's doing with him right now, despite feeling the opposite, "Gosh, you're making me crazy.." is all he could say

Clay let out a breathy chuckle "You are crazy, for me" 


Through Clay's loosened embrace, George managed to turn around to face him. He wrapped his arms around his neck, with inches between them. George looked at Clay's green ocean eyes, well, dark yellow to his eyes at least. He slowly fills the gap but stopped with only an inch in-between. He smirked, he's messing with him, but got surprised when he felt the other's tongue swiped across his lips, tasting his rosy lips.

"Come on, George.. you can do better than that" His voice low, it sings repeatedly in George's ears, "Do I have your permission to kiss you?" Clay asked, looking at his eyes, waiting for an answer within them.

"Do whatever you desired"

Clay dipped down getting closer to him, only to kiss the corner of his lips. His hand reached for George's jaw to hold them steadily, his thumb made its way to his lips, caressing them as if he's trying to memorize the outline of it. His thumb parted George's lips a little and at last, Clay made his way to the center of his lips, sliding his tongue in easily and exploring every inch of him.

George held the hand that holds him gently on his jaw, to keep himself on his feet and to keep himself sane from whatever is happening. "Dream.." He managed to let out as Clay parted away before closing the gap again, he bit his lower lip gently, sucking on them slightly, before letting them go.

"You have any boundary to set? I'll hear them then" He started pecking him on the lips as he waits on whatever George wants to say.

"Just kiss me, Dream. Stop with the teasing" 

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