Ⅻ. Confused

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The doctors left the room, again, without saying any words to the people who were with the patient. George woke up first, he stood up to check on Dream and to his surprise, the machine was back to normal. He got inside and sat on the chair he was earlier

Doing what he always does, he held the blond's hand, rubbing them with his thumb "Dream.. don't scare us like that" he said, the chip were still in his hands maybe doing its thing, being the lucky charm.

The door of the room opens, Quackity. He walks beside the brunette "He seems okay now" he said trying to light up the mood as he sits down on the edge of the bed. 

Quackity lifted his hands and hovering them smoothly above the blond's stomach, he landed his ring finger on the center of it

"Wha-" he felt something solid on them, he pulled down the blanket that was over Clay's and lifted his shirt seeing his smiley signature mask covering the large hole on it "W-what is this thing doing here" he tried lifting it but it was resisting the force. Something on the other side of the mask was glowing

"Holy.." his surprised face made George confused 

"W-what is happening..?"
"Drista?" Quackity asks completely ignoring George's question

"Quite close, Alex" A different looking portal appeared on the other side of the bed, Quackity's eyes widened seeing once again


George was stunned at the sudden appearance, he examines the person as his eyes widened because of how much this XD guy had resemblance all of Dream's features. He's taller, but the shape of his body, the way the mask completely fits on his face like it was meant to only fit on him. Cinderella type. It was close enough for him to not see any difference.

He didn't realize he was staring too much until he heard XD cleared his throat "George, right?" He looked up again to meet the other male's eyes, he nodded "..Dream's soulmate" he whispered but enough for the brunette to hear, it left George confused but he didn't dare to ask about it

"I restored his mask back, it almost got lost to the End, though it was really easy to find"

"Well, it's a good thing you did restore it. This shitty hospital wasn't really a help"

"Talking about it though, his revival powers somehow activated, I thought the Agency had stolen them?"

"It did, and Foolish was its new caster"

"Hmm. I mean, George's still alive, didn't convince me enough that Foolish is the new caster"

Quackity looked at George confused "Hmm?" 

XD laughs at him "Nothing" he said then faces towards Dream's body. 

He lifted his hands above to where is the mask were laying, he opens his hand as the mask slowly floats, seems like it's done doing its thing. He grabbed it then places it on top of his younger brother's head "He'll be fine for now, even if these machinery fails. He'll be okay" XD announced

"Thank you again, XD. I'll make sure to tell Dream about this"

"No need actually, I've been with him inside of his 'dream'" He said before creating another portal, he did a little wave at them before going inside.

"Welp, that's XD for you" 


Sapnap got woken up by some strong aura he felt. He opens his eyes realizing he's been sleeping on someone's shoulder, he lifted his head only to see Karl's sleeping face, he quickly sit up straight as he heard him groan "Hmm.. Sap.. join" Karl mumbles in his sleep which made Sapnap confused, he also found it amusing, was he dreaming about Sapnap?

After feeling of someone leaving their grasps, Karl reaches for the collar of Sapnap's shirt pulling him again closer to his shoulder but this time, Karl lays his head on the other male's. It shocked Sapnap, well, it was new for him to feel, Karl was really clingy through his sleep, compared to how he behave when he's awake, it was different when he's asleep.

The door of the room opens and the first thing Quackity saw was them, cuddling? maybe. A smile slowly grew on Quackity's face, being a supportive BF, he knew how Karl was really in love with Sapnap and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Love at first sight, was this?" George said looking at the scene "I mean, looks like it though" Quackity answered, they didn't knew Sapnap was already awake but once they knew, both of them laughs at him, it was weak enough trying not to wake up Karl 

"You fell in love with my boyfriend, eh?" Quackity teases 

"And why aren't you bothered?" Sapnap quickly replied

"Didn't you heard? He's into poly, and we might be, or MAYBE looking for another partner" Quackity said sarcastically and intentionally for Sapnap to take the hint "Wow, as if you didn't heard it earlier, shut the fuck up, dude. Just say you wanted to be with us" 

"I didn't even said anything-"

"Yeah, yeah, Sapnap. we get it now, you wanted it so bad so we'll welcome you"

"Uh, well- okay then" he surprisingly agreed, a more wide smile made it into Quackity's 

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