Ⅴ. Nightmare

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Punz looked at Clay angrily as if they didn't spent their time together bonding since they were teenagers "What?" Clay asked, it's bothering him and he doesn't want to overthink it

"Sapnap told me it"

"Ah, that I'm rebelling against the agency?" Punz nodded "Yeahh, it's true and I hope you don't get in my way" he walks past him but stopped by the hooded male, holding his wrist tightly

"Mind telling me why?"

"No, I do mind" Punz grunted, Clay mocked "Okaay, chill, I will tell you, just stop before you turns into an alpha demon wolf" he flickered away from the hooded man's grip.

"They're controlling us"

"That's all?"

"Yes" Clay knew that it's not enough reason for him to rebel but he knew something they don't want to know, he just want them to leave with him

"Bullshit" Punz replied then proceeded to do what he was doing

He just took a deep breath. If they don't want it, then leave them there. It's not his fault that they'll suffer the same way he did. He grabbed his things then walk up to the window to open them, he steps on the frame then turns around making sure Punz were looking at him.

He smiles at him then jumps off the 66th floor. He lays flat on his back watching Punz panic, he turn his gaze on the tower's windows watching them panic too, but his eyes locked on Sapnap and George. 

He watches them as if the time were in slowmo. They were renewing their contract and the agency giving them the hologram device. His eyes widened, he quickly punches the window, shattering them into millions of pieces, this made the people panics more. He holds onto the edge, climbing up to the floor where he saw Sapnap and George.

He slammed the office door, looking at both of his friends' eyes

"Why?" his eyes were shaking while looking back and forth between the two.

"What, Dream, we never agreed on you, besides. Me and George have decided to stay" Dream's eyebrows furrowed as he heard what Sapnap said. He stands up straight crossing his arms, he quickly took a glance to the owner of the agency then to the window.

"I have no right to stop you from what you wanted" He walks to the window, slamming his fist on it, he look at them before jumping off the building with frown on his face, looking at his best friends look down on him with pity.

Clay opened his eyes slowly, looking at the dark ceiling, he wondered his eyes before sitting up

"You're awake" Tina greets him, she places a glass of water besides him

"Thank you" he said smiling at her

He drinks the water then putting them back down beside him, the front gate opens, spotting a tall blond kid with the casino manager "T-Tom?" he struggled to ask whilst he's not sure if it's him

"Dream!" he yelled flickering closer, Clay grabs Tommy's hand mid-flicker, pulling him down to sit beside him "Heard you picked fights with Sapnap and George again"

"H-Huh? Nope you heard wrong" Clay chuckles

"It's fine, I guessing you did well" he examined the younger's skin which was clearer like he didn't fought the two at all

"I did!"

"But you kinda troubled Karl and Alex"

"Welp, doesn't matter, they chose to come and rescue me"

Clay then pats Tommy's back, smiling "Good job anyways" he stands up facing away, his smile quickly faded away as he remembered his dream a few minutes ago.

His arms crossed looking at something "Tsk." his hands reaches at the poster plastered on the wall just beside where he took a nap.

It was a poster of the 'Dream Team' the HQ got them, since, Karl was a really fan of them and been fan girling about Sapnap for over the day they got debuted as a full time hero.

He also told that, he wants to be the villain so if something bad happens to Sapnap, he could kill anyone who hurts or even try to kill the orange hero, without even paying for what has he done to the innocent people, since he's not the hero to actually feel guilt and pity towards them.


Dream grunted at the sight, they were happy if he's being honest but all ended when the Agency... I don't know, Dream already have been forgotten about it, anger took over him more when he reminded himself and the disbelief when Sapnap and George won't believe.

He felt some relief then glanced at Tina's booth "I can sense a dooming feelings around you so I threw you a calming potion" Tina said as she places more potions on her booth's counter "I have more, please calm, I don't want to sense more dark feelings around the HQ"

He smiled at her "Thank you, Tina. Keep the potions though, it might help again in the next few days"

She nodded as a respond, hiding the potions before hiding behind her counter again

"Dream, I want to spar with you again" Clay took a glance behind him

"Is it the type of spar where I break all of your bones or..?"

"Y-yea- No! the normal one, not that risky one, though I'm built like a doll, it doesn't mean that I don't feel pain"


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