Ⅶ. Agency Activities

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Sapnap came home really late, his mind was onto somewhere and you can tell he's light headed. He opens the door then started walking to his room, stumbling on everything he walks into, making some loud noises.

George got woken up by the noises, he immediately stand up to look what it was, seeing his partner walk to his room, barely making it but manages to. He went to the room to check on him

"Sapnap, are you okay?"


"Are you okay, are you drunk?"

"No, why would you think thAt"

"You look like it"

"I didn't drink, GeOrge. Don't worry about me, I'm really sorry if I woke you up.." Sapnap said moving into more comfortable position. George sighs. He walks to the kitchen preparing medicines and two glasses of water, one for Sapnap. He walks back to Sapnap's room, placing the glass and medicine on the nightstand, he took a last look at his partner before leaving.

He started his duty early. 4:09 AM. He clock on as soon as he arrived at the Agency then leaving after. He decided not to fly at this time, but to walk instead, it really drains his energy fast. He walks around the district, some of the street vendors haven't started pulling their booths up but some started early.

7:19 AM, George looked up in the sky, the sun haven't risen since, it would normally come out at 6:30 but it was still dark. He look around but everything seems normal, the media was talking about it though, at least he knew he wasn't the only one who's experiencing it.

He walks around more, through the alleys and the markets. As he was walking, someone tugged on his shirt. He looked around only to see a kid, an actual kid "H-hello, Georgie.. I want to give you t-this" the kid said, shyly. George crouch down to match their height, he grabs the chocolate bar the kid was holding.

Galaxy chocolate bar, it was his favorite, also reminds him that one memory where Dream got him those straight from England. One flicker then came back with boxes full of them.

"I-I bought them with my allowance money to gift them t-to you" the kid said, he patted the kid's head

"Thank you, and also, you don't need to, don't just use your allowance money"

"I-it's fine, I have a lot o-of allowance money. I'm j-just glad that I-I'm able to take a look at you a lot closer" George got an idea, he lifted the kid and sat him on his shoulders

"Hold tight" he said, he slowly float above

"W-woaahh" from that, George could tell that the kid's eyes were shining "G-Georgie, the wind is hugging me!" the kid yells, spreading his arms apart. Don't worry, George held tight on the kid's ankles not wanting to ruin the happy scene into a traumatizing one.

"T-Thank you f-for that, Georgie. It's my first time f-feeling comfortable being above the ground. I-I have fear of heights, so, it was really fun!!" the kid pulls George closer for a tight hug.

"You're welcome, erhm.."


"Michael. Nice meeting and knowing you, Michael" George smiles at him

"Thank you again, Georgie. I-I will be going now" Michael bows at him before running through the alley. He took a sigh of relief but interrupted when he got a notification from his hologram. It's the Agency, they're asking for him to go back to the agency.


"Clay, the sun hasn't risen and I don't think It will" Karl looks outside the HQ's window

"D'you think they're spreading illusions?" Quackity asks while exchanging casino chips to the counter

"I don't think so. I'll be back." Dream flickered out of the HQ, he went to every corner of the city then back to the center. He sensed something then decided to stay for a while, he walks around freely also since he's not wearing his famous signature mask, no one knows his face, even Sapnap and George or the Agency.

Once he got closer to the entrance of the Agency, the aura he's feeling, got stronger. He looked up at the building, hesitating but curiosity took over him. He flickered on each floor to feel where the aura was, once he got closer. He was lead to the office.

He takes a look behind him to see once again the hall where they hang different picture frames of the heroes. He couldn't get enough of the sight of his and Punz's frame since the Agency obviously despise them. 

He put his attention back again to the door in front of him, he flickers inside only to see the them doing 'it' again. With George.

His eyes were immediately got filled with anger, and in a second, he punched the device away from George, he pulled the older male closer to him guarding if the Agency prepared a plan B to kill.

"D-Dream.." It was the first name George could think at the moment. Dream looked down at him before burying his head on his chest

"W-Who are you.?" A voice that can only be heard inside the office

"It doesn't matter" Dream said, he looks around only to see the window, seems thin enough for it to break easily. He carried George, bridal style, holding him tightly before charging towards the window. With his arms, he shatters the window open, his body went with the wave and proceeded to fall off the building. He held George tightly as they landed smoothly, he take a look at George once again to see if he got hurt during the fall then continue to run through the woods beside the building.

Once he thought they got a little far, he laid the older male's body besides a tree, letting him lean against it. He took a deep breath then checks on George again. At this point, Clay doesn't care if George can see his face, what matters for him now, is his condition.

He heard George groans, he immediately looked at him and examined if he was injured. George opens his eyes, the first thing he saw was the guy, the guy who he thinks helped him. He sat up properly "T-Thank you.." He said, Clay hesitated to talk but nods instead

"S-so, how'd you know?" Clay shrugged his shoulders "Well, I guess we had our reasons" George chuckles

The skies were still as dark as it is at night, which was strange, there was no warning or article about what's happening. It was cold too. Clay removes his hoodie, offering them to George

"Y-you don't have to" Clay tilted his head, insisting in a way. George grabbed them, wearing them feeling more comfortable with them on "Thank you, again.." Clay smiles

They stayed hidden in the forest before George decided to go back "I want to check on Sapnap since he's gone there yesterday" he started running back towards the city

"Geo-" George look back at him but the only thing Clay can do is to shake his head, letting the older male to proceed. George did, leaving him alone in the middle of the quiet forest.

"I've warned you both about them before..." Clay whispers to himself. He stood up then flickering back to the HQ

"Welcome back, Clay" Quackity greets "What happened there?" he asks looking through one of his chips

"Uhm, I mean you already saw"

"My chips sometimes lie to me"

"Kinda help George out of that hell of an organization"

"And..?" Quackity smiles

"He went back to check on Sapnap's" His smile turned upside down real quick "Well, that's quick, didn't even bother to stay with you and rest since his body almost drained"

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