Interlude III The Engel family

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"Goddam it, Elias should have arrived like an hour ago,  should have told him the meeting was way earlier than it is I swear he comes late just to annoy me." A woman was behind a dark wooden desk, she was tall and of wide shoulders wearing a white military attire with medals on her chest, she had short blond hair and her teeth were pointed like those of a dolphin, she was in the middle of a room with a huge statue of a massive stone snake behind her on the middle of two windows. The room she was in was as oppressive as she was, a massive room for her desk alone with walls painted black and a white marble floor with a long black carpet. There was only one other person with her. A beautiful woman with long blond hair wearing a black suit with a pencil skirt, with a lot of documents on her arms.

"Do we even need him for this, He never bothers with city affairs." The Woman with long hair asked the much taller one, who just put her gloved hands on the desk.

"Beats me, Lorelei, he is the one that asked to come, The nerve of our brother to not even bother to come in time after winning at me, he has five more minutes or we will ask the police chief to come in already."

"Brunhilda, you still spoil him a bit too much, is better to just ignore Elias in general."

"As if it was that easy, you know if he wants something, he will get to it like the rat he is...err well, well looks who finally came." A huge wooden door opened as a man carrying a briefcase walked through the black carpet towards the desk.

"Hello there, you two it's been a while." The man waved, to describe him, he was also just as tall as the woman at the desk but while she was built like stone, he was a slim and long man more befitting for a fashion magazine, his attire was a black long trenchcoat that shinned with pristine elegance, and his blonde hair was long a loose but perfectly kept. He waved at the two women with a smile and they just stared at him unamused.

"Elias  You really are awfull at keeping up with the schedule, Let's recap the matter at hand is as follows, there is a strong possibility we have invaders infiltrating the city."Brunhilda looked at the two of them as she opened some documents on her desk.

"You both heard that the boss of the Ocassio family was assassinated right? Well, that is fine, I can't say I care much, but the Chief of police has strong reasons to believe the assassins came from the outskirts."

"She better have something back up that claim."Lorelei crossed her hands while their brother looked at the documents.

"No photos then, forget it, just tell me, detail is." Brunhilda moved his head off her desk, as she pointed at one of them.

"The tower, you all know about that right? Well, not too long ago one member of the police department went there to investigate but he was murdered in action, his partner some woman named Eva, claimed it was due to a devil who could cause fog." Brunhilda moved her finger to another document.

"Fog you say?" Elias had his fingers on his chin looking amused.

"Move a few months later and we got two devils assassinated in Korea town, apparently the vice chief Miles made the connection due to some unusual fog that the assassin was the same person, but he had no evidence till now, He said both a demon with a fog an even more damning person Rush Collins where found in the city at the location of the Ocassio murder."

"Rush who? "Elias asked, Lorelei just cut him off before he asked anything more.

"Don't interrupt, he was kind of the chief of the outskirt town on the frontier, The chief of police gave him a devil so he could protect the area, Sabnock you know, so we naturally thought he had died out there when Vepar appeared but he sneaked into the city." Lorelei crossed her arms, a bit annoyed he didn't bother with any reading before coming here.

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