Interlude II: Devil Amii file 1

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Abram rushed forward, throwing a fast fist toward Aurora. The woman remained with a calm expression and stopped his fist with an open palm. She immediately grabbed him and pushed his leg, making him lose his balance so she could throw it over her shoulder, all with the same cold expression.

''You have the strength of a demon, but your technique is still terrible. You need to put more into it. You are the only person here with no military training, so try not to drag us back too much.'' Abram didn't bother to get up. He could see her walking away, which meant that another day of training was finally at an end.

"How much good, will this do? I only need to get them first, and besides, there is no such thing as an army in this city unless we mess with the capital."

'Don't underestimate the syndicates in the city. These so-called families were once led by a warlord who ruled over the close things this world had to countries. Even if that is supposedly gone now, I doubt the city life has made them give up their fangs completely. " Aurora sat down at a closed table. This was her training, which took place in her squadron's barracks. A huge green tent with a lot of crates and old equipment, but it had a dinner table and an open space for people to spend time with each other. She was quite fond of it, but few people in their camp indulged her.

"I guess it doesn't hurt, but between guns and demons, it is really hard to see much of a point with this." Abram finally stood up, still terribly sour. He had yet to even land a hit against her in the long month of practice they had.

"A human could steel beat you in close-quarter combat. You'll be helpless again. I'm a true pro, and it's not just because I'm a demon. Besides, there are demons like myself who only get physical strength, so don't be surprised if a lot of them like to get close and personal, and if you give an opening to a demon like that, it's already too late to regret. " Abram sat at the table with her. She wasn't wearing her usual suit, but a more simple black vest with cargo pants.

"I've only sparred with you, Aurora?"Does Amii know how to fight as well? "

"You noticed? Well, she doesn't really have the kind of training I had, but we share the same muscle memory. Still, when she is in the driving seat, she prefers to just assault the enemy with her claws. It is more primal, the kind of thing only a demon could get away with. " Abram looked uncomfortable for a moment.

''Right you just let her control you when you need it.''

"You must think I'm crazy for being so casual about being possessed. She is the only one that can use her eye, which allows her to see everything faster than a human could, almost like she is seeing a few seconds into the future. That is something I can't compare to. "

"I know it is useful, but honestly, having that demon lurking around me already creeps the hell out of me. There is no way having a demon inside your head isn't a huge risk." Abram poked his head, but he suddenly felt a chill as he saw her expression change suddenly and completely into a sad expression, like someone about to cry, but her eyes were glowing red and he could tell what had happened right away.

"Why are you being so mean all of a sudden? Sure, I'm a demon, but I'm also everyone's companion here. Right Aurora, we're like the best buddies ever. "She was clearly faking being sad. She suddenly blocked her glowing red-eye and her expression returned to normal.

''You aren't wrong, Amii is a very violent demon. Fortunately, I have a very violent job. As long as she is entertained, she won't get in our way, I can assure you that.'' Abram didn't look that convinced, but he put on his cap from the table and sighed.

"You don't need to sacrifice anyone for her? "

"As long as I kill someone seeing by my right eye, the contract will remain. Of course, that means I can only kill people for the rest of my days, but there is nothing new about that. " Aurora smiled bitterly and her expression changed drastically again into a jolly smile.

"See, I'm not a bad demon. I don't need pointless sacrifices or to tempt people or anything like that. I just like fighting. I like fighting a lot, which is why I love hanging out with you guys. Things are never going to get boring here, so let's be friends too. She reached out to shake his shoulder, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Nothing new, you've always been a devil hunter Aurora?"

"Nah, I got recruited five years ago. We didn't even have a real demon till this year. Honestly, I summoned Amii as a demand from my work. "

"But that will mean that you are... "

"That's right. I'm from the city and not just any district. I was an anti-devil corps officer in the capital. " Aurora stood up again with a cold voice that set her apart from her companion. Abram stood up as well, feeling that their break was already over.

"Are you going to interrogate me any further? "

"Nah, I prefer not to piss you off till we are done sparring. It is way too risky. She smirked and stood in position at the center of the tent. He followed her as well. She gave him a sign and he rapidly threw a fist against her and just as quickly he was on the ground again, but he slowly got up again, even with the pain in his back.

Tell you what, if you can take me down even once, I'll tell you about the big city. " Abram groaned and rushed against her again.  

Devil hunting chronicles of the impossible city.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum