Epilogue V Upon the gates of the city

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''That was a lot more exhausting than I thought.'' Aurora was breathless as she leaned down against the walls of the labyrinth, Cao Jing Sheng was close as well, on one knee as his shoulder was being healed by the warm fire of his phoenix. The two of them looked very worn down, but not really afraid.

''The Minotaur has really grown. It was never this strong. If he could push us both back like this, the thing may be a real danger soon.''

''We will have Mr.Abram and Mr.Rush give us a hand. This is still perfectly within our capabilities. This poor beast will not reach the commander any time soon.'' Cao stood up and looked at a huge body lying on the ground, very visible in the darkness of the labyrinth. It was humanoid in shape, but the massive horn on its bullhead was visible in the dim light of the corridor. The creature was covered in its own blood and was starting to be consumed by a green flame. Like many other demons, it will be gone soon, but unlike the rest, this was not a demon they could ever kill and so they both knew it would return once more.

''Hahaha, we don't get to complain, we are the ones feeding and making it stronger. Who knows what kind of demon Minos will be when all is said and done.'' The two captains gave a silent agreement with a nod t as they walked towards the exit of the hall. At the end of it, Abram and Rush were waiting for the two of them.

''Sorry we put you on guard duty, it was nothing we couldn't handle. The beast tried to escape us. but we forced it down just fine.''

''I almost wanted it to escape down this hall, I'm still curious about what that minotaur really looked like.'' Abram shrugged as he followed the two other captains.

''A never-dying demon always looking for the old lady, I almost feel bad for her. It seems like her days are also being counted, which really makes you wonder what could be worth being trapped here with such a monster. The old hag must really hate the city folks to go that far.'' Rush followed them with his hands in his pockets. He was not particularly respectful of the commander, but strangely enough, Emilia didn't seem to care.

''You can ask her yourself. We got orders for all of us to meet at the tower. She will be making that her office, is the hardest place for the minotaur to find after all.''Cao followed to the right into another hallway. The halls in the inner depths tended to change directions and locations, but not for those with a contract. Whatever path they took would always be the right one.

''Don't blame her, the place looks like a damn throne room. Of course, she'll take it to herself. Even if she is jailed, she can still have some luxuries, I suppose.'' Aurora speeded up as they arrived at a spiral staircase. She took the lead and they all began their long climb towards the top.

The top of the tower was a cold but wide white room, with four statues of men with the heads of bulls holding the ceiling with their hands. A red carpet welcomed the captain as they arrived at a tall throne, at the center, in front of a gate of stone with ritual markings carved into the stone. Emilia rested on the throne with a black table as a desk that didn't fit the rest of the room. There were lots of steel tables around the throne where her secretary and guards were busy doing their own work.

''The Minotaur has been killed again. As expected, it has evolved into a far more dangerous beast than what it used to be, but we got it, boss, Sheng and I were more than happy to kill it.''

''Hehe, good to know that the beast can grow in strength as much as it wants, but as long as we grow in power faster, it will never reach me here. Now then, the reason for our meeting is a simple one, the underground labyrinth has finally expanded beyond the wall and the gate I requested to be built is ready as well. " The commander pointed to the stone gate behind her.

''I'm sorry, old lady, but if we just walk past that door, aren't we just going to fall down the tower or something? I was hoping for something better than this when I was told you almost had access to the city.'' As always, Rush couldn't help himself if he saw any reason to get back at the commander.

"Always so loud Captain Collins, the truth is that reaching the city is even more difficult than most people realize. The great walls surrounding it mean nothing. The true barrier surrounding them is a distortion of sorts. That entire city is not truly a part of our world. It is a slice of something else, a world of demons if you will."Did you see a gate like this even though it was broken by the smugglers? Didn't you, Mr.Abrahm.'' He looked at the grand gate behind her. It was ominous and unnerving to stare at, but the heavy stone was familiar.

''I do remember something like it, but it was broken down completely. So that is how they smuggled into the city.''

''Few people know how to create a door like this. Someone with ties to the great families must have given them the gate, but the gate alone is useless without a path, and we have built this path. The depths of the labyrinth have already reached below the city streets, just like worms, we will crawl our way up from below. This gate here is but a shortcut to another one like it was just built below the city, building them is easy you just need stone and the right carvings.''The commander stood up with the help of Cao who passed her walking staff to her.''

''And how do you even get all of this information, old lady.'' Emilia smiled at Collins's words.

Because my family was there when this city was built, there is never a mention of us, but back when the six families fought, we were a seven power, but we were simply destroyed and forced into the wastes, but we do still remember and our old tales, were not in vain, Captain Collins. This gate is proof of it.'' She touched the cold stone on the gate and the markings on it began to glow as the gate opened on its own. Behind the door, there was only a black abyss, but it stretched onwards like a cave into the depths of the earth. Cao stood in silence with a serious expression, Auror couldn't contain her smile, Collins was clearly angry that the door may just be true, Abram felt anxious. Behind the door, there was only a black abyss, but it stretched onwards like a cave into the depths of the earth.

''Be on your guard, is likely the city police will already be cautious of us, thanks to Captain Abram here.''Commander Emilia took out a police badge from her coat.

''Would it have been better if I had just let them go.''

''Nonsense, you did what you needed to do, is a pity a witness managed to run away, but we are going to deal with the police sooner or later, we will move with care now, we can't move full battalions like we have done thus far with ease, is like we are going to need a year at the least to have everything ready to hunt on Argia, we need people, trained people, we need equipment, we need contacts, hideouts and so much more within the city, but for now, please come forward and see what the city of Argia truly looks like.''The commander laughed weakly something quite unusual for her.

''I guess Mr.Cao and I have seen it plenty of times, but you two should go first, is quite a sight.'' Aurora walked to Abramh and Collins, Collins grunted and walked forward.

''Fine, I'll take a look. Let's see if that city all the people in Creek were seeking was worth so much sacrifice.'' Abram followed him as well.

''I still don't know what to think about the city, so I'm just going to judge it with my own eyes.'' Abram walked into the gate, feeling a tempest of air coming from within the darkness.

Volume 1 End 

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