Devil Sabnock IV

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Rush Collins stood up amidst the rubble. He had been pummeled by the roof from the floor above and only barely had a scratch on himself, but his massive shield had failed to crush Abram under its iron. Rush gritted his teeth. The scales of steel of his devil had slowly grown through his arm all the way to his shoulder, and the long metal tentacles coming from his shield had pierced his back, slowly taking away his blood and returning it again, giving him an agony he had already gotten numb to.

"He is still here. The smell of brimstone reeks within the fog. " Sabnock, the demon face on his shield, spoke with a rough and elderly voice. The shield could barely move its mouth as its expression molded itself into a furious scowl.

"Of course, there is no way he will run off and go." Rush crashed the shield against the ground. The shield was massive, and yet he could lift it with ease with only a single hand.

"Will you really feed your life to me to kill a friend? " The shield asked, the tentacles tainted red as his blood traveled into its open mouth.

"I won't back down from anyone that is a danger to Center city, I will shield this whole damn town all by myself if I must," Collins spoke to the shield on his arm without taking his eyes from Abram.

"So thick-headed, I will never tire of you humans.Haha fine, I will force all that you hate to retreat and run in agony! "The demon laughed and Rush Collins nodded in silence.

Collins looked around him as the fog began to close and slowly surround him, but there was something else that had him on edge. He could feel a rumbling. It was earth-shaking and made the damaged building they were fighting threaten to break down even more. He looked at the distance through a massive crack in the wall of the building, where a white tower was being erected on the horizon of his beloved town.

"Has the world gone mad... Is this all your doing, Abram? He suddenly felt a pang of pain as he was pierced in the stomach. Abram appeared right in front of him. He looked down. He couldn't see his face under the cap, but he had stabbed him with a dagger. It was a mortal wound for a man, but he was no longer just a man.

"You... aren't even trying are ya? " He punched Abram with his free hand, making him split blood and throwing his cap into the air. He had retreated with his dagger as Rush crashed his shield into the ground and ran towards him, the shield breaking the floor as it reached him. Abram couldn't see Rush behind that giant lump of steel. Only the face of a demon of steel howling in anger. Abram threw himself against the wall of a hallway to evade the massive shield, but with ease, Rush swung his shield to the side. Abram ducked as the wall broke into pieces from the impact of that lump of pure steel.

"You will tell me right now! Who are you, people? " Abram was on his knees looking back at him with no anger but a tired bitter sadness as he looked at the wound he had inflicted on Rush's stomach.

"If you keep bleeding like this, you will pass out." Abram told him as the mist spread from behind him as he disappeared within it. Rush gritted his teeth and ran forward into the dark mist that robbed him of his sight. 

"Come back, you coward! " As he screamed, his shield screamed as well, sending dozens of long iron tentacles through the air. They managed to pierce and taste blood. Abram was shocked. He couldn't evade them. They had all spread in random directions, but as soon as any of them managed to reach him, they injected themselves into his skin like needles.

"Got you, don't you dare to show me your back, you asshole!"Abram was lifted from the ground by the sharp iron strings and suddenly dispersed and the massive shield appeared from within. The string forced him forward and Rush ran with his shield directly into him. In a moment, he crashed, feeling every bone in his body crack. Abram screamed, finding himself tied to the shield that Rush Collins had lifted with the strength of a single arm.

"They sting, right? You are going to bleed out first, my friend. "'

"Argg... this is so stupid, there is no point to this... why do you have to be so stubborn? " Abram screamed, but Collins only looked at him disappointedly. Abram tried to move, but even with all of his strength, the iron strings didn't budge. The face on the shield laughed in his ear. Like needles, each string took his blood into the mouth of the demon.

"You have become a killer then. Do Aisha and Nicholas know that you are here? I won't kill you, but only because I need to send you to them first. "'

"Hahaha... Nicholas is dead. He was going to sacrifice Aisha to become a demon, so I killed him... I killed him. " Abram tried to not sob, but the pain wasn't helping.

"... Things were that bad? I guess I can't blame you for never telling anyone. "'

"We were just thieves. We wouldn't be anywhere near your guard. We are not stupid. " Abrams' clothes were scratched and broken everywhere, but the needles didn't let a single drop of blood fall over his black suit.

"I guess I couldn't help you guys either."Collins gritted his teeth with disgust at so much more than the enemy in front of him.

"You really are a moron. I knew it. I stabbed you in your guts. And you are still going to feel bad for me? Do you think you are some kind of hero?! " The string of iron snapped suddenly as long claws descended into the shield. A figure of a skeleton on a white veil appeared within the fog, releasing Abram from the needles.

"What? " As soon as Abram landed, he bled from the dozen stings, but Rush was in shock and Abram appeared  just in front of him. He breached the distance with his dagger. Rush tried to move his shield, but the demon skeleton stopped it with her strength, leaving him wide open for Abram to stab him. He blocked the dagger but had his arm pierced. It didn't matter that someone like him couldn't regenerate blood endlessly. Rush kicked him away with enough force to throw him into the hallways. He immediately swung his shield to break the hold of the skeleton. He walked back out of the hallway slowly until he was at the edge, just in front of the broken wall. Abram stood up, barely breathing. He could see a massive white tower in the distance behind Rush.

"I don't care about your town. It never did anything for me... I am here to save your fucking life, even if you don't give a damn about it! "Abram screamed, trying to get his balance back. The figure of the forgotten bride was mixed with fog behind him, her claws stretching towards Rush.

"Don't bother, I already told you that I don't have a future, but I will make sure this town does. Come on, just try and get past me! " Rush crashed his massive shield onto the ground as they both walked towards each other one last time.  

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