Target profile devil Orobas

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The sun had raised on the city again and the Inner circle was busting with life as people headed to work, under the morning light a hunter took her place staring upon the city from the top of a rooftop looking at the roads below.

''Alright then, nothing of note today either, perfect.'' Aurora had placed a desk at the top of the roof of an abandoned warehouse, she had come daily here for over a week simply to study her surroundings she had a map of the surrounding location and multiple photos of her target, a young man with brown hair wearing a wool helmet for riding. There were photos of an brown old motorcycle as well.

''I've made up my mind, I'll be using that building for the trap, I guess all that is left is to wait for the fella to show up.'' Aurora stretched her arms taking a moment for some warm-up exercises but she suddenly tensed as her right eye began to turn red. ''Something is coming, something powerful.'' Her tone of voice changed to a lighter more mischievous voice and she suddenly closed her eyes.

''Great, it was about time she showed up.'' Her voice returned to normal as she look back at the rooftop where a sudden gust of wind crashed, it was a small tornado of sand that descended with precision in front of her, the arid winds sending a gust of sand over Aurora forcing her to close her eyes and throwing her map and document up into the skies.

 The sand storm took on the shape of a lion's head and roared with anger as it began to unravel on its spinning center, it cleared away with a roar revealing at its center the chief of security of the newspaper office, Miss Amara. She stepped from the sand storm without even a grain of sand on her green suit, Aurora had no such luck and was dusting herself and her hair from the specks of sand already looking at the other woman with annoyance.

''Thanks for blowing a week of work into the skies can't you just use the stairs like a normal person.'' ''Sorry I'm quite a rush, I can only spare a few minutes for you today, I'm sure your resonance probably wasn't anything that special if you don't have it all in memory by now you wouldn't be a devil corps intelligence ex-officer now, would you?'' ''You did that just to annoy me right? Well anyway, Ms.Amara I hope you got something for me today.'' ''That I do, you target mister Johnatan Jersey will be coming later on the evening at 4' o clock, as expected he will ride alone in his motorcycle carrying a package with its destination being the cafe of the Ocassio family. Amara came close and they both looked down into the streets below. ''You got any info on what he is carrying.''' ''None but he picked the package in Risco Infernale, the Bramante family territory, it must be a big job for that young man to risk going there,  his one-man delivery agency Jersey Deliveries never bothers to aks who what the contents he delivers has, so is like not even he knows what he is carrying with him. ''So there is no telling if im the only one after him today then, I'm really hoping is nothing too messy I don't like unknowns in the middle of a hunt.'' Aurora leaned at the rooftop fence looking back at Amara the other woman smiled.

''Oh come on, surprises are the best part so if you find some juicy info feel free to share it with me.''

''Sure, but why don't you sing me a little more first, so about the target what do you know about this delivery man.''

''Mr.Jersey is an underground messenger and likely the best one on town, smuggling stuff from district to district is his main game and his record is perfect to this day, neither the cops nor any of the families have managed to catch him. He is a freelancer by all means carrying jobs for anyone and everywhere in the city. ''

''I know that, I mean how is that guy really like, I don't care for his business profile.''

''Well, then he was born in Risco Infernales, he's after ran a mail office and his mother was a housewife, he had one sister but she died a decade ago, his father's office went bankrupt soon after and the whole family moved to the inner circle, that said he disappeared for a few years before starting his one-man delivery business. He never had contact with his family again. ''I'm guessing he did a deal with a devil in that time, becoming an underground delivery man, I suppose he is still carrying the family business in a strange way.''Aurora crossed her arms. ''Tell me what you know about his devil.''

''You better thank me for this old friend, Orobos is a possession demon, there is nothing strange on Mr. Jersey at first glance but he has the ability to move at inhuman speed when he gets serious he can run faster than his old motorcycle, I wouldn't say that combat is his specialty but even when attacked he always shakes off his pursuers, he has to after all the demon he made a contract chases him often, he has to keep on the mover else demon will reach him and take his dues, because of this he has no real home, he is always moving from place to place, making it pretty hard to pin him down, so hunting him on the middle of a job is still your best bet.''Amara looked down at the streets below as if making sure it was the correct route that unassuming man was going to take, she nodded satisfied.

''Figures and it has to when he's outside of the family territories to not call for any attention, so if I fail today he could slip away for months, well he's luck run out he is never gonna finish his job today.''

''We will see we are talking about a man who has left a demon eating his dust for over a decade and who said he has no backup and other than a handgun he is not that dangerous I also heard rumors that he has never actually killed any of his pursuers, so he will rather run than hurt anyone.''

''So he has never killed anyone, alright that makes a perfect target for my new team, is their first mission after all.''

''Aside from that, I heard he is  a ladies man and has a tendency to get easily distracted by a pretty face, you know you could always try to seduce him if catching him on the job is too hard.''

 ''Hahaha, I wonder It has been years since I did that stuff I'm probably pretty rusty, no need for that Im going to force him into this building here as soon as I get him out of the road we will cut his routes and pin him down, sorry but I can't risk having people see my face just yet.'' ''Agreed you have let yourself go this last decade.''

''Sorry about that there is no makeup in the outskirts, whatever I'm not a spy anymore I'm a hunter now, all I need to do is to kill the target I don't need to play the crowds anymore.'' Aurora looked back at the city as well the two women ended in quiet silence, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one.

''So how does it feel to come back to town after so long?''Amara asked her with a more friendly tone.

''I'm surprised that the brother of your boss has become such a powerful mobster but other than that this place hasn't changed much, change really will never come to this city unless it comes down knocking hard.''

''And you will be the one knocking then? Now that will be curious to see, hopefully, you survive again, all things considered, I missed you too, it's always amusing to see how you will a mess of our little city. Even when you were a cog on the government's machine you hardly ever followed the script.''

''They only have themselves to blame with Amii with me, I can't ever be a good working girl, once in a while I have let loose.'' Aurora's eye turned into a bloody red color as her expression turned into a joyous smile.

''Sure thing, so just look at my partner and I. we will be rocking this city like never before. Amii smiled at Amara who simply smirked.

''Alright then, give us a good show for old time's sake.''

Devil hunting chronicles of the impossible city.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora