interlude I Ocassio Kafe

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Jersey had finally arrived at his destination, the most elegant and expensive establishment in all of the inner circle, the high-class restaurant and coffee shop, Kafe Ocassio, and the true headquarters of the Ocassio mafia. After that death and life fight with the doll and the hunter, the rest of the trip was an easy one even if he was breathless after having to run on foot through half of the district.

"Wow, I can't remember the last time I ran this much." jersey crashed down a wooden chair and looked around him, it qs his first time in the cafe, and it was quite the sight. The establishment was quite tall and designed in a circular manner with most of the rows of tables for the guest on the sides of the walls. All the tables and chairs were of fine wood rather than plastic, the walls were of a dark blue that matched perfectly with the purple dark drapes that covered the windows, and the curtain of a small stage to the right side of the cafe where a woman singing with a live band behind her. She was quite beautiful, she was certainly an older woman but with a clear elegance to her, her skin was black and quite well kept and her hair was short and with it cascading to the right side like half moon, she wore a purple dress with a white fur long scarf. He listened to her sound as he waited he couldn't understand her words as the song was in Portuguese.

Jersey was on the VIP lounge at the very center of the club, this part was elevated above the rest of the club and had a waterfall falling below it making a curtain of water that crashed into a vivid garden, with the sound of the water falling and how high they were it was unlike anyone could hear them talk up there. The long was connected to the wall of the club by a small bridge it ended on a massive mural depicting a tree of vivid green colors. The mural of the tree was the most eyecatching display on the whole club, it had all sorts of bright colors, from purple to yellow on its leaves making it vibrant and giving a fresh ambiance to the entire establishment. A door opened on the root of the tree, it was hard to see the double doors on it as they had been painted with the mural on top.

A man walked from there with four other men following close behind him. There was no doubt that the man was the owner of the cafe Toussant Ocassio. He was a tall man with clear black skin and a very strict expression, he had a small mustache and his hair was kept bold under a very wide violet-pink hat, with a blue feather on it. He wore a clean pink suit with a purple flower on his chest and carried himself with a walking cane. The other men all wore purple suits as well but of a darker tone.

They were all armed for sure, Jersey instinctively took a look at the exit, just getting down from the VIP area would be quite hard, but he was already imagining himself jumping down in a crazy stunt, there was no telling how his customers will react especially now that he failed every promise on his delivery, even so, he was with a customer so he had to smile even if bullets could fly.

"Mr.Jersey you are late...and it seems my package is already open." Mr. Ocassio sat down opposite him and took off his hat to put it on the table."

"I can only apologize I was attacked on the way here, it was a giant doll."

"Hmm..Did you see what is inside of the package?"

"Yeah, I wish I haven't."

"Sit down young man, we have much to discuss." He turned the package around and opened it, he barely reacted to the doll on its inside and closed it again. "You manage to survive and attack by marionette and make it here with the package, truth be told I couldn't have asked for more, no need to worry Mr.Jersey I'm quite satisfied with your delivery, but you must have some questions correct about it correct"

"Not really, honestly the less I know about it the better."

"No need to be shy, I rather clear the air on this matter, I wish to continue working with you in the future after all." Ocassio gestured to water to bring him a cup of warm coffee, his voice was kind but his expression was cold, he didn't seem to show much emotion at all, Jersey smiled awkwardly as he took him on his offer.

"I guess, I can't really figure out what is the point of stealing that from the Bramante family, feels like making yourself a target over nothing." Ocassio threw a spoon of sugar on his coffee and began to mix it with care.

"This thing is scared, It wants to go home, which means it's possible to follow it back, no one really knows where Valentino makes his dolls so we can use it as a compass of sorts and find out." Ocassio closes the package again and passes it over to one of his men.

"Are you going to go to war with the Bramante or something?"

"Nonsense, if we tried to attack them on their turf it will be suicide, but there are plenty of people that could try their luck against them, my intention is to force them to back out of my territory, or else I can sell this to their enemies, its deterrence I need to make sure is too risky for them to attack us on the future."

"Hehe, right to fight the Bramante would be madness, no one would dare..." Jersey drank his coffee, he always took it black but at that moment it felt extra bitter. Ocassio narrowed his eyes but he refrained from saying anything taking another sip of his coffee, finally, he spoke again.

"Young man what would you say about joining our family, we can use someone like you, it will be much safer for a demon-like yourself to work for us than to take random jobs from the families, it is easy to make everyone your enemy when working alone." Jersey looked at his cup of coffee and sighed.

"Sorry, but I have no interest to work for a family, I rather try my luck on my own, I have never been good at following orders, it doesn't work out for me, it just ain't me."

"If you keep going this way you will make more enemies any day you could end up dying in a ditch." Jersey smiled at his serious reply.

"Well that almost happened today, but at least if that happens I won{t have any regrets, I just don't want to be tied to anyone's control not ever again." Ocasio smiled if only for a moment.

"Well if that is what freedom means to you, I can certainly respect it. Very well, have a good trip young man. I hope we get to work together again in the future." Mr.Ocassio put on his hat again and stood up extending his hand for a sincere handshake.

"Likewise Mr.Ocassio."


Jersey was on his way again on the streets as he put on his stack of cash in his pocket with nowhere else to safe keep it, he took a look around him on the dark streets of the city as he walked down the empty streets.

"I guess I should be happy I got paid and they didn't kill me for knowing too much, but man it sure sucks to screw up a job." Jersey looked at the stars above always shining brightly even in the murky sky of the city.

"I wonder if I should have mentioned that woman to him? I still have no idea who she was, but man was that scary, she was kinda hot though." Ashe walked he noticed a green mist slowly coming towards him from behind, he stopped completely forgetting about his doubts.

"Great, it had to come tonight, I don't even have my motorcycle anymore, this is gonna be such a long night." He looked back and saw a green mist envelop the entire street and the sound of the steps of a horse coming closer.

"You sure picked the wrong night to pop again, Orobas." The mist turned into dancing green flames taking on the shape of a horse, a green horse make entirely of green burning flames shining intensely. Its eyes were the brightest, the shinned with a green light that was almost blinding.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I still have plenty more to do, I can't go giving you my soul just yet." He pointed at the devil with the green flames surrounding him as well.

"Catch me if you can!" 

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