Interlude I: A calm dinner

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"There goes our first big hit in the big city!"The hardest part was fleeing, but you and the boss really pulled it off; it's not fair that you demons are in a different league than ordinary people. " Luis had raised a toast. The brown-haired man was one of the members of the Aurora team, code-named the Green Storm.

"I don't know, half the time I don't know what I'm doing, following military orders and stuff, I'm just not cut off for that." Abram raised his own drink. They were all in the cafeteria of the hunter's base. It couldn't compare to the bar above, but they got some extra this month for a job well done.

"No one is, but think about it, when you are as well trained as we are, the demon you have is going to make quite the difference. I sure wish I could summon one myself. Not dying from a bullet shot with so many guns around will make my life easier, if only. " Deborah, a red-haired woman with a very nonchalant attitude, sighed as she took her drink.

"We have always done this stuff. It is nothing new really. " The tallest man on the table, a man known only by the nickname Rock, was on the opposite side reading a book. He was the only one that didn't request a drink. " A shot pale woman was drinking by his side, already drowsy from the alcohol.

"Were all of you part of the army?" Abram asked Lucas, who denied it by shaking his finger.

"I was a merc. I think Rock over there was a bodyguard for some warlord or something. We all know how to use guns and how to follow orders. Those are the requirements for joining this expedition to the city. They were quite demanding. " Lucas started to eat his potatoes. The food was still nothing to write home about, but the food is food.

"Deborah and I worked as caravan guards, Tina "I honestly don't know, but she's our messenger, so she's probably had some communication experience, and she might be the only one here with formal education,"Aya spoke. She was a very strict, black-haired woman. She shrugged as she took the rest of her drink in one go. Tina was already sleeping on the table, so there was no way to ask her anymore.

"I guess I only really have a demon with me, other than that, I'm nothing that great."

"Yeah, that's right, you privileged bastard. Still, it was nice to work with you. I'm sure the commander will give you your own squad till then. I'm going to enjoy seeing the boss put you to the grinder. It pisses me off how much attention she is giving you. " Luis raised his glass in a defying tone.

"Really? I guess it is only because I summoned a demon. Why do you even care? "Abram asked him.

"He is just jealous because he has a crush on the boss," Aya interjected, and Deborah laughed at him.

"Oh really now? Please isn't really my type; I'd rather find a city girl who isn't always fighting and stuff; what's the point of hooking up with someone as messed up as me? "''

"Good look charming a city girl when you can barely read," Aya interjected without taking her eyes off her food.

"Now that is a low blow, Aya. You didn't go to school either, so come on! Besides, I have my charm, my wild appearance, some people there must be all about finding out more about the mysterious world outside the city, and I have plenty of nice stories to tell. "

"Tell them about the time I knocked you out with a rock. Moron here though I was helpless while unarmed "

Abram could tell he had forgotten about the conversation already. Deborah looked at him as they both stared at the two of them arguing for a moment.

"Don't mind them. There was a time when a job sent Mr.Luis to attack a caravan we were guarding. Neither of them was seriously hurt, but the two of them have been at each other's throats since before they even knew each other's names," Deborah said to Abram as she moved closer to the table so the other two wouldn't hear them.

"That must be very awkward. Are you all really joining this weird group just to have a place in the city? Abram has that concern still whispering in his ear.

"I'll admit it is kind of strange. The commander doesn't give the most trustworthy feeling. She is very secretive on purpose. " Aya spoke clearly with the same doubts that he had.

"Killing demons just to kill demons is kind of pointless. I may understand if it was for religious purposes, but this place doesn't feel like it at all. I hope we aren't doing this just because of that old lady's crazy vendetta. " Luis shrugged. By all means, he didn't care too much.

"She is no ordinary old lady. She is the head of the biggest syndicate in the wastes. At this point, we all assumed she was dead or retired since her daughter was leading them now, but she was apparently hidden here at the entrance to the city. I still have no idea what she wants to do in the city.. There is no money to be earned by picking a fight with city folks. " Rook spoke from the other side without taking his eyes from his book. Abram was curious, and if he could read, he would not be a typical mercenary.

"She is spending a lot of money on this, all in supplies and equipment she is not getting back. Maybe she is trying to do something crazy in her final days. Either way, she is paying us really well and I really don't want to go back to the outskirts. I think it is the same for everyone here. Because of that, I'm sure a lot more people will be shipped into this battalion soon. " Deborah tried to fix her hair as she spoke with a hand mirror. Abram was sure none of them were too concerned about being heard.

"I'm just a hostage anyway, so I guess I won't think too hard about it." Abram finished his drink, staring at his companions for a moment. He had never had such a lively dinner before. It was almost surreal.

Even so, they had another mission ahead and their break would soon be over.

Devil hunting chronicles of the impossible city.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang