Interlude IV The Ocassio brothers.

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It was a sunny day in the city within the empty lots that surrounded plenty of places in the inner ring there in the middle of a desertic space was a small monorail station that had long been abandoned, incomplete constructions like these could be found in the inner ring, traces of wished that never came to be. There in that forgotten place, two cars drove to a stop in front of each other and men came from each of them, on one side they wore green tattered suits and on the other side very elegant purple suits, both sides stared at each other and waited on the quiet vacant lot, they both open the backdoor of the cars and let them outside.

Two men walked to each other in the empty desert.

One wearing a dark black suit and a boiler hat, he was the president of the local Louis newspaper agency Vic Ocassio.

The other man wore a bright purple suit with an elegant white purple hat adorned by a feather and walked a handle that resembled a tree, he was the owner of Ocassio Kafe, and the head of the biggest mafia syndicate of the inner circle. The two men looked at each other for a moment.

''It's been so long brother, almost a decade really'' Vic said taking out his boiler hat with a smile.

'' True, which makes it even rarer that you called me to a meeting." Toussant Ocassio took off his wide purple hat and put it again on its chest meeting his brother's smile with a cold expression.

"Let us not waste time then we have much to catch up with." Vic invited his older brother towards the abandoned monorail station, he nodded and they walked parallel to each other without getting closer, the guards followed them keeping their distance each other brought five armed men to their family reunion but neither of the brothers paid them any mind.

The two of them took their seat at each other side on the station's bench, as if waiting for a monorail that would simply never arrive, Vic put his hat back on but Toussant kept it over his tights as he looked at his walking cane.

"I heard you made a contract with a devil...the grand Baphomet, a really powerful devil, it's been years since anyone summoned how did you even manage that brother?" Toussant asked him, the two of them were still staring at the desert in front of them without looking at each other.

"We found out the requirement for summoning is a sacrifice of around ten goats, unfortunately, goats are by all means extinct in the city, so Mr.Louise spent plenty of money and manpower to search for them all over the outskirts and we had the luck found just enough, really I could never thank him for gifting such a devil, of course with no goats from here  human sacrifices are needed, not a devil people can get even with a creepy."

"Hmm, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised Mr.Louise has influence even in the outskirts."

"Of course he does, we may lack an armed force, but he is good at making friends, you know brother our offer still stands, we can yet be friends."

"You mean to have me working for your Mr.Louise utter nonsnse, I will never trust a man who never bothers to meet me face to face."

"It is a precaution I can't say I blame you but I just needed to mention that the offer still stands and for what it worth I believe our organizations are stronger together than separated."

"I have said my piece, even now I don't understand why you swore loyalty to such a man, a man who came out of nowhere with a grand devil from the upper district, there is no telling how much it is a lie, nothing about that man make sense if he even exists."

"Mr. Louise is quite real, but I suppose I have no evidence of that."

"Vic, can you go to the point I doubt you called me here for small talk, you are not the type if it's not for business nothing concerns you."Toussant finally looked at him and Vic smiled with a sad expression.

"There is a new organization in the city and Im afraid they are coming to kill you soon, consider this a warning, you are my family after all."

"Is this related to the latest incident? Someone tried to stop our smuggling of the puppet and not to mention what happened with the Desperado, im sure you know of both of those incidents by all means I believe you and Mr.Louise had to be involved in the damage that did to my family is immeasurable, we could have had a powerful deterrent for two of the great families, I guess Mr.Louise couldn't let me grow stronger than he is." Vic shook his head in denial.

"We gave them information on your activities that is our job as an intelligence agency, but it was them who did the job all on their own, they do not work for Mr.Louise they are merely one of our many clients."

"Nonsense, the results are the same. But I understand why you came here now, you expect me to make a deal to keep these people away are you threatening me, brother?" Toussant grabbed his walking cane with force and pointed at his brother's neck with it, but his brother just shook his head again.

"No, but we wanted to leak this information to you to give you a chance, Or rather I wanted to, Mr.Louise considers it better if you simply leave this town, but I still believe that we could work together so that we can build a better city as brothers."

"Under Mr. Louise's command."

"He is the only man that can change this city, that can free us from the chains of the families, I truly believe that he can change this city, that can free us from the chains of the families."

"He is the only man that can change this city, that can free us from the chains of the families, I truly hope you will see that one day, brother im afraid you alone would never change this city, the two of us simply lack the power to do so."

"Hah, forget it all I ever wanted was to be free of the city chains, I will not change those shackles for heavy chains built by Louise. No brother I will not bow to any man not ever again, that is why I will build a family of my own, why I will make of the inner district a city that bows not to the rich and powerful."

"By becoming powerful yourself. I understand but that is simply not enough, change will never come to this city if we keep repeating the same cycle that founded it, that is why they have come to this city, the only we can change it is to send its foundation into utter chaos, so I beg you brother believe in me again, otherwise you will just become another sacrifice for change."

"I have to wonder if these people exist, what kind of beast have you invited to our city, no I will only trust my own hands to build a future I created the Ocassio family in the last ten years and we have many more years to go, you and Louise should stand down and watch from the shadows in due time I will make this district bow to no one." Vic sighed as they remained quiet in that moment staring at the blue skies and the stars glittering above, that sky is the only thing that has never changed.

"I know that you want to get revenge, we both saw as our mother's debt became so terrible that the Nishiyama took her as a sacrifice we both saw how the fight between the Italians and the Russians resulted in most of our neighborhood being burned, and we both grew up seeing countless pointless tragedies that meant very little to those calling the shots from their uptown districts, I understand I to Im where I am because I need to make those tragedies mean something. Our goals are the same ones, brother."

"Maybe so, but the two of us are enemies to me Mr.Louise is not different from any other families and like them, I will make him bow to me, The Ocassio family protects this district now and every other family will understand that, I refuse your invitation."Toussand stood up wearing his hat again.

"Oh dear that makes me very sad brother."Vic remained seated looking at his arms, he didn't look sad or angry he simply looked tired."

"These people that ruined our operations whoever they are let them come, if we cannot face such a tiny threat we will never gain the fear and respect of the grand family, our roots are set and the Ocassio family will not bend to anyone, not the families, not to Louise and not to your uninvited guests." Vic stood up and they looked at each other for a moment before he continued walking on his own.

"This may be the last time we see each other, take care brother for now, we of the Louise agency will refrain from any intervention." Vic walked away first leaving his brother staring at his walking cane.

"Take care Vic, but you are wrong we will always be family, even now." He murmured as he walked as well, their path separated as each walked to a different car, they never saw eye to eye ever again. 

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