Prologue 2 Louise information agency

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Abram was feeling quite anxious on his first trip to the big city. He was used to crowds and constant noise on the outskirts, but he was not used to cars. He had seen quite a few of them, but never this many, and he had definitely never rided in one.

''Isn't it a beauty? I'm glad it still works just fine. My old house is still quite intact too, we going to be remodeled as a safehouse soon.'' Aurora had told Abram that he was taking him to an important meeting in the city, and now he was being driven through the busy streets in a red car. It was a long vehicle, not particularly fast, but having everything around him move so quickly was making him nauseous. Aurora was quite at ease on the wheels and was speeding up as best as the old car could.

''This is the only car we have in the city right now, and I'm the only one with a driver's license, so I will be working like a taxi for a bit, we are going to need a lot more resources in the long term, so hopefully you guys can get a license too, don't worry we are already working in getting some fake ids for you both.'' She turned onto another street, and by instinct, Abram held whatever he could find in the car.

''I think I pass...I don't like not having my feet on the ground.''

''Sorry, you are going to need a car in the big city, I don't make the rules. Aurora smiled, and her right eye turned red.

''Do you know how fast these things can go? These are truly the devil's wheels. Let me give you a show.'' She put her foot on the pedal and quickly sped up on the highway. Abram quickly grabbed her hand.

''I can stand to be in this death trap with Aurora, but not you. Please return control to her, Ms. Amii; this is also our only vehicle.'She pouted.

"What a waste of time."Her eyes returned to normal and Aurora was back on the wheel, smiling. ''

"Sorry, even I like to pull a fast one on you Abram, but don't worry, she's a better driver than I am; her eye and coordination are second to none."

''Yes, but I rather we just move like turtles for now." Thank you, but no thank you.'' She shrugged. Abram leaned back on the and looked up at the sky again; he could still see the countless skies even through the blue skies, but there was no sun either, he reasoned.

''You are good at sneaking around, so I'm going to need your help in our intel department, I will still be in charge of it, but I believe surveillance should be one of your main tasks from here onwards.''

''Can't say I'm that happy having multiple jobs.''Abram tried to keep calm as he breathed slowly.

''We are still very shorthanded and now we all going to need to work even harder. This is not the outskirts anymore. Any wrong move could get the whole city to crush us down. We have to move like professionals and know our way in and out of every situation, That is why I wanted you to come with me today. We are speaking with someone essential for our future in the city.'' Aurora finally stopped in front of a green building with a sign outside reading "Inner circle news"

''This is a newspaper... I guess it makes sense that they will still have this stuff in the city, we had some makeshift newspare in Center onces, but I think they all died.''

''Yes, but also no." This place is only a small newspaper office as a cover. This is one of the main offices of Louise and Co. information traders. The people here buy and sell information on the underworld. No worries, they already know we are coming.''

''I see, but isn't that risky? They could sell information on us to the press as well.''

''We just have to make an offer good enough so they won't, I know the guy in charge here, but I want you to meet him as well, you have to get use to city folks too.''

''Mr.Louise right?'' Aurora laughed at Abrams's comment.

''No way, I've never seen Louise no one has, but we can speak with one of his best man Vic Ocassio.'' The two of them parked the car and walked back into the green newspaper office. The place wasn't too elegant and there weren't too many people around, but as soon as they entered, two tall men in green coats came closer to them.

Aurora smiled at them and showed them a coin. Both of them nodded

''You two wait on those chairs there.'' One of the men said and Aurora waved goodbye at them, Abram followed and they both sat down, the receptionist looked at us for a moment while speaking to someone, there were a lot of people waiting for an appointment, but it seemed Aurora was moved on purpose to be very far from the rest.

''What did you show him?'' Aurora put the coin in Abrams's hand. It was a silver coin with what seemed to be a fly engraved on its center.

''Is the symbol of Mr.Louie, the lord of the flies. This tells them that we are not here for the newspaper at all.''

"The lord of the flies? What a strange title."

''Man, your innocence is really cute.'' Abram groaned at her comment, hiding his eyes again as he leaned down and waited for anything to happen, he had a feeling they shouldn't talk too loudly about any of this, at least not in there.

''Ms.Aurora still alive I see, I really thought you died in a ditch somewhere.'' From a door on the side, a woman entered, followed by the two men in green trenchcoats. She was a black woman wearing a green coat with a man's vest suit, her curly hair falling elegantly to the right side. She had a handgun strapped to her belt and was looking through a stack of papers while she spoke to us.

''You wish, I was just on vacation on the outskirts, but I am back and I have some business with your boss. Trust me, it will be worth your time.'' The woman laughed and looked at Abram, who just stared back in silence. ''Going for a walk outside the city is easy, coming back is not so much. You must have had quite an adventure in the last few years. What's with him, picked a boyfriend on the outskirts?''

''Is just a coworker, and I need Mr.Vic to meet him. We have some business in town and I want to get up to date on the local news.''

''Aurora you bastard, I knew you weren't dead, I was never that lucky. Please follow me. My name is Amara Albaz, Chief of Security for this place, so try not to do anything funny.'' People moved from desk to desk in a storm of papers. There were mountains of papers everywhere the eye could see. Everyone, mostly women, was typing constantly. No one paid attention to the new guest who followed Amara to a brown door at the end of the office, a door with a massive golden plate in its center with the same design on a stylized fly drawn from an upper-down perspective.

''Please remember when you speak to Mr.Ocassio that you are on Mr. Louise's territory and behave accordingly, so don't do anything dumb, Aurora, especially you Amii.'' Aurora's eyes shone red, and she nodded, smiling happily.

The three of them entered an office. A man was sitting on a black desk with a huge portrait behind him, surrounded by countless stacks of papers and articles stuck to the walls. He looked at his guest while surrounded by mountains of papers. He was a black man already middle-aged, lanky, and wearing an elegant dark green suit. He wore round sunglasses even while inside, so Abram couldn't see his eyes. He also wore a fedora that hid his balding hair.

''Welcome, welcome. Welcome to Mr.Louise Information Trading Agency, My name is Vic Ocassio director of the Lower Circle branch. It is my pleasure to give you a welcome to our city, our dear demon hunters.'' Abram tensed immediately, and Aurora put her hand on her temple as well in surprise.

"I guess you guys already know, which is good because it will speed things up; we came here to kill demons, and I hope you will assist us in getting started."The man pointed at the two seats in front of him, while simply smiling at her answer.

''Yes, I have been waiting for this day for so very long. On behalf of Mr.Louise, I invite you both to negotiate your fate.'' Amara closed the door behind them and leaned against it. Abram was sure of it now, he could feel the smell of brimstone again. Now that they were in private, they were no longer hiding the presence of demons. All four of the people in this room had demons of their own.  

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