Epilogue III The gift of the city.

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"Seems like the other squadrons already dealing with opposition, still we are outnumbering them, I think this tower is too big for a mere group like these, really this may be easier than I thought." Commander Rodgers turned off her radio and spoke to Eva who was following with her handgun drawn.

"I hope the other guys are going to stand for us to reunite later."

"Is fine I dont see Mr.Miles taking long to take care of the assassin outside once he is on the move all these regular humans will be scorched, lets focus here Deputy you remember the wait to the inner tower right?" Eva nodded at her commander as she took the lead and the rest of the armed squadron followed her. They reached what seemed to be a marketplace built with tents and wooden stores, The last time Eva arrived here it was full of people but now there was but an empty cold silence, so the place looked perfect for an ambush and the commander immediately gave the order for their troops to aim their weapons in each direction while the chief and Eva remained on the center.

"Listen, my objective is to find out who is responsible for the tower, We need to keep moving forward I doubt they have that many men ahead.... devil thought, there is no telling that but I should be able to handle a few of those."

"I hope so chief...I do." As Eva spoke, they were suddenly under fire from opposite sides of the market. Deborah a short red-haired woman opened fire with her rifle before hiding behind a store on the other side A tall man with a Mokap hair aimed with a shotgun, they both hit two of the policemen who fell.

"Take cover at the center ahead between that store, move!" They reached a store with crates all around it but before that a woman stepped above it and jumped towards them, it was Aurora with her arm already converted into a demonic claw she flew towards the police chief in the middle.

"Tsk, dont get cooky you devil!" Chief Rodger raised her metal staff and turned a switch on its handle, its circular tip opened to show a huge flashlight and it turned on with a white flash, the whole room was illuminated and Aurora was blinded by the sudden light, Rodger swung her staff and she just tried to block while still being unable to see, she was thrown again a tent caving it in with a massive strength."

"A devil...must be the woman Miles mentioned, now Everyone hurry to the exit!" With a sudden spring on her feet, the old woman was the first to rush forwards, as her squadron followed opening fire as more members of Aurora's current team began to open fire, Deborah and Aya were on opposite sides of the exit of the market, but they could only duck under the heavy fire.

The policemen stood close together covering under their shield as they bunked down on the walls of the exit."

"They are trying to stall us... Eva you and the rest stay here and keep that devil at bay I will go ahead."

"What is but she is a devil you can't..." As Eva spoke Chief Rodgers rushed forward into the hall...Eva stayed speechless while the gunfire continued.

"Are you just using us as bait...no way we can survive a devil, chief! You can't be serious you cannot!" Eva looked back, the rest of the squadron didn't notice the chief rushing past them.

"Even if she is a devil this is too risky...does that woman think she can do it all on her own choice? Alright everyone keep position, We will hold this entrance till Mr.Miles comes to back us up!" They opened fire again, and with their reinforced shield they easily built a wall at the exit, they could see people in black suits moving closer as they moved from cover to cover. Eva was breathing heavily, even if she couldn't show it, if there was a devil there...she had no idea what to do anymore. As expected she saw a woman run into the open amidst the firelight, the woman in a black suit had a massive red claw like that of a beast and ran from one side to the other evading the gunfire.

Devil hunting chronicles of the impossible city.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora