Prologue 3 Fairtrade

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The two of them were sitting in the office of the director of the newspaper company. The first thing Abram felt was just how cramped that office was. There was just so much paper everywhere, and all the walls had a lot of articles connected to each other in a web of strings he couldn't even begin to parse. The only part of the room with no visual distraction was the very center of the office behind Mr.Ocassio which simply displayed a huge portrait of a man. The man was a black man, very overweight, with a green suit and a brown best. He was completely bald and was smiling with a cigar in his hand. He seemed rather friendly, even if it was just a portrait. The name below the canvas read. Mr.Louise Stone.

''That would be the director. Due to their many enemies, he never appears in public. Do I take it that you are not from this city, young man?'' Vic asked Abram, and he stopped being distracted by the portrait and looked back at the man in charge.

''Yes, this is my first time around here. There isn't really anything else to be said about me.''Abram cutted him off, but his tone was still rather calm.

''Sure, sure. I'm guessing he is going to need some papers. No worries about that. Hardly anyone comes to the city illegally, so there are plenty of security blind spots. We will make you a citizen with ease. Tell me do you have a demon, young man?'' Abram looked at the director. He couldn't see him in the eyes, but he knew he could tell. Demons can feel each other.

''Yes, I got one from sheer luck, but I don't care to speak much about it.''

''Of course, how rude of me, worry not, this is hardly unusual in this city. There is no reason to be on guard.'' Abram nodded, but he had no intention of relaxing in this place at all.

''Well, let's cut to the point, old man. We are willing to trade some information. What we want is a way to get information on our targets. Of course, we will not leave any evidence of being involved with you guys. We'll also need to know some people who can help us settle in; you know, paper forgers, illegal car salesmen, weapon dealers, and so on. "Mr.Ocassion remained silent and simply nodded at her words.

''Well we do know people like this and they will appreciate the business. Helping people meet the right people for the job is just one of the community services we provide, but on the matter of information, I'm going to assume you people intend to assassinate people in the city. Providing you with this information may as well make us an accomplice. We have eyes even on the outskirts. We already know of the mysterious assassinations there. If you intend to do the same in the city, you better be careful. This is a society where every single act will ripple through the streets.'' Aurora grinned at the man's words.

''That is why we wanted you to help us choose our targets. We want to hurt people who don't have enough connections to have any of the families after our heads, we also need to keep a low profile. Most city folks never pay any attention to what's outside, and we don't want a reputation just yet, besides I think there is mutual benefit for you as well.''

''Agreed, if this is really the city of demons, there is no need to go after any big shoot yet.''Abram continued after her, He was starting to get why they had come here.

''Mr.Louse is a powerful figure on the underground, and this is in part due to his neutrality. The five families and even the capitol all come to us for information. They are all aware that we sell their secrets to others and are willing to take the risk. All the same, this is a hard balance to keep. If any of the families move against us, it will complicate things. We can share information, but we will not assist you more than we need to.''Vic spoke firmly but Aurora still remained calm.

''Fair enough, a trade is a trade, but we are looking for a long-term partnership here. We will need information on the families as well, we are serious about this Mr.Ocassio.'' Ocassio reached for a handkerchief and brushed off his sweat.

''I see...I suppose that is not impossible, but I will need to see if you are worth the risk first, Mr.Louise will have to agree with it himself and you will have to aid our tiny little business here as well, I hope you will have a good way to gather intel by yourself.''

''No worries, this guy here can get whatever you need.'' Aurora slapped Abram in the face gently, and he tried not to recoil.

''Right, right. In that case, I will provide you with some information. It will not be cheap, but I will also request some information from you hunters, is fair trade and we make no exceptions. Even the families must share if they want our services.''

''I thought you already knew everything about us?'' Aurora stared him back her eyes slighting glowing.

''Ms. Aurora, I know you've killed multiple demon users on the outskirts, I know you're linked to a warlord and backed by them, and I know you've built a tower outside the city in some ridiculous way, but no matter who I ask, I can't figure out something important. What is your goal in all of this? Why hunt these people at all?''

''Sorry, only the boss would know that, but if you want to know why I do it it is easy. There is a man I really need to kill, someone I couldn't even touch before. You are a smart one, so I'm sure you can figure out who?'' Ocassio nodded.

''Very well, I will ask for a report on the victims on the outskirts and any information you have on them. Do that for us and we will prepare a contract and make arrangements. Make sure you remember that we can turn our back on you. If you try anything against our people, as part of our contract, you will be forbidden from attacking any demon under Louise's organization.''

''That is fair. We have bigger fish to fry. Believe me, old man, you want us on your side too.''

''That remains to be seen... also I'm not that old I'm not even forty yet, in any case is great to see you back in town again. Aurora, Amara missed you as well Im quite sure of that. "'' Ocassio stretched his hand to shake her hand in what would be the beginning of their deal.

''Like hell I did,'' Amara screamed at us from the entrance door. Ocassio smiled at her with an unusual act of mocking and then he stared at Abram and reached out his hand, Abram remained silent, but finally, he agreed to shake hands.

''What will be your name, young man? If we will be trading information with each other, it is only fair that I hear it.''

''Abram, I don't have a surname.''

''A fake name just like Aurora? Fair enough, as long as I have a way to refer to you, that is enough.''

''Is not fake, I simply chose this name.'' Vic Occasion nodded at his answer as they finished their handshake, he seemed satisfied with that answer as if he understood all he needed. Soon enough, both hunters were outside of the newspaper office, escorted by Amara.

''Now then, make sure you don't give any trouble for Mr.Ocassio Try to not embarrass us, would you Aurora?'' Aurora waved back at her as she walked back into the car.

''...Im a bit confused. Are the five families really not bothering these people? They don't seem that powerful.'' Abram followed him into his seat as he looked back at the small office they were about to leave behind.

''Is all because of Mr.Louise. That man took one of the most powerful demons of the old family who still lives in the capitol district, the demon Beelzebub.'' Aurora looked at the wheel before turning on the car. You have seen the destruction on the outskirts. That was one of the demons that caused that. "The commander believes he is the only person with whom we can form an alliance in this city; after all, he is not a member of any of the families, and I'm sure the people of the capital want him dead more than anyone else."

''I see, he is not one of the targets of the commander, stealing that from the upper district, I'm starting to get why they respect him that much...but are we not hunting all demons, including them?''

''Heh, guess we are leaving that thought  for later, but now let's hit the road.'' Aurora's voice changed in tone into a louder, happier singing voice, and Abram immediately knew she had switched for Amii.

''Wait don't speed up....'' They took off onto the highway again, With Amii caring little for Abram's screams.  

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