Interlude III Lord of the flies

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''To think that those two brothers meet their death in this little town, even if deserved for there to be someone that would dare to kill an ex-member of the Nishiyama clan remains a great offense, they should have died under my hand. I came all the way here to see to their final rites and yet, someone else dared to take their punishment from me.'' A man in a black elegant business suit stood at the border of a rooftop starting at the apartment complex that the police still had closed down. The man's black suit was proper and expensive with nothing but a clean black color and a dark green tie with a red scarf. The man had a fan in his hand, adorned with elegant drawings of leaves drifting upon the winds of a mountain in a rather traditional Japanese style.

Thought for as elegant as his attire was the man was wearing a strange green wooden mask, resembling a furious demon with a long nose, one could only see his eyes which were pure white and devoid of his pupils.

''I'm sure you are a witness of what happened here, speak now goat, and do not test my patience.'' The man turned around, someone had come to the rooftop, and with precision, he felt their presence in an instant. It was the manager of a small newspaper company in the district, Vic Ocassio. He came along with two men wearing damp green trenchcoats as guards.

''My apologies for the intrusion Mr.Andou I figure you may want a rundown of the events here before you back to Mr.Nishiyama and it will be respectful if I don't do it myself as the manager of the information branch in the district.'' Vic Ocassio Took out his hat and bowed respectfully.

''Indeed it will be rude, very well since you show the courtesy to show up yourself I will listen, just ensure to not waste our precious time.'' Andou closed his fan and stared straight at him before bowing as well, on his chest a small golden insignia glimmered, showing his position as a high member of the Nishiyama clan. Vic put on his hat once more.

''The brothers were killed by the ghost of this town, Mr.Nishiyama is aware of her, Im sure he insisted on just letting this situation as it was.''

''And merely ignore betrayal, it is the clan's responsibility to carry out their punishment, a mere finger will not be enough on this and I have the intention to leave some hitman to do it for us, even without Nishiyama's approval as one of the three great terrors I would do their execution myself. That said do you really expect me to believe this was that  ghost doing? the ghost works alone.'' Mr. Vic's expression turned serious, he was not expecting that response.

''As expected of the great Andou  you were aware of that much, I suppose not only the ghost came here yesterday, but there is no denying that she was here as well, as the other people involved in this, I'm afraid we have no information on them yet.''Andou opened his fan and a ghost of wind blew towards the member of the information agent, it was a ferocious wind that threw Mr.Ocassio's hat into the skies.

''You lie, do not lie to me.'' The white hair wig on the mask began to move, the hair spiked and floated like limbs behind his head as if the mask itself was becoming alive.

''It is not a lie Sir, Im afraid that Louise's information agency is still working hard on the matter, the people that attacked were a small armed group with no demons, I can assure you the ghost finished the job and that these people are far underneath your attention Mr.Andou!''Vic screamed trying to have his voice reach the other man amidst the wind that was beginning to force him back, a storm was beginning to form around them.

''Louise has become too arrogant, Mr. Nishiyama may forgive such arrogance but I do not.''He opened his fan and with a furious swipe a gust of wind followed hitting the three men with the intensity of a tornado, one of the men was sent flying crashing against the entrance to the rooftop. Vic remained on his feet but the last of his guards flew off the ground going over the fence. 

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