Interlude II The inner circle in strife

Start from the beginning

"This is the monthly fee, trust me if you are under the demonic dragon's watch, nothing but prosperity will befall you, my honorable fella." The man was barely able to talk it didn't help that looking for his attire he could tell this stranger was not just a member of a Triada, to insult the families in any way was not asking to death. Everyone else in the market hid and closed their stores leaving that man to his faith as he was now surrounded by a dozen triada members.

"I will pay, please just step away from..." The tall man threw the owner of the stall to the floor and walked away.

"Good to know! You two collect the money I lost interest, dont care much for crying pigs...." He stopped as he stood still, his expression soured as he saw a group of men walk towards them in strive.

"That will not be necessary this district is under the protection of our family for the time being!" A young man was leading the men, he wore a dark blue suit with a white tie and the most unusual of things, a katana strapped so a sheath on his hip. He was a rather handsome man with short black hair, slim and with a young face that couldn't be older than twenty, still, the men who followed waited behind him with complete respect.

"Salutation my name is Nishiyama Kai, im a lieutenanr of the Nishiyama family I came here to peacefully negotiate a mutual retreat." The young Japanese man bowed lowering his head while speaking with a forceful loud voice.

"The hell, hey old man you people pay the Nishiayama no?" The tall man from the triada looked behind him as two of his men dragged the store owner on his knees behind him.

"No, I have never spoken to them. Please believe me." The tall man rolled his eyes and looked at the young man bowed in front of him.

"Nishiyama you say hold on...are you family of that Nishiyama?"

"I know what you think but the current heir is my brother im just a lieutenant to the lord of the onis I was sent here to negotiate there is no need for any conflict. The payment was given to us by the Louise information agency, we have made a temporary agreement to protect this district with them."

"Are you kidding? Louise pay you lot to what, Have you no pride! Is this really what the Nishiyama is these day, working for cheap for a third-rate informant."

"Our chairman believes that war should never touch this district and I believe so as well, it is the one respite the people outside the upper districts have to protect it Mr.Louise shall pay for the protection of them all."

"Haha, now that's a good joke, well wasted money cause he gonna need to take your remainst from the floor instead, you trash!" The tall man suddenly jumped forward with the tip of his lance reaching the head of the Nishiyama lieutenant, but he stopped just a hair away, the other man still had his head lowered.

"We are serious, If you hurt anyone here consider it the same as to take the life of one of our family, those were the words of my grandfather." The man stood straight without any fear in his eyes as he looked at the taller man.

"Hahaha, well not that nice, I was worried this was gonna be boring as all hell!" The other man remained quiet, but his hand slowly went towards his weapon.

"My name is Yang Hao-Yu of the four Perils and Im excited now, Taotie is too, I can tell you got guts, little man." He raised his lance, the tip of it had a hand in the shape of a stone head and it was moving, it had an eye as well that was looking all around it with popping veins.

"Devour Taotie!" The border of his lance opened his mouth revealing sharp teeth and the sharp blade unraveled in a nest of tentacles, it had become a lance with countes sharp ends.

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