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I've gotten in my spooky faze again so here you go))

Demi was...paranoid to say the least.8 She also had a huge fan of the paranormal and anything related ro that. Which was not a good combination. Demi had recently moved to a new place with her dad. Her dad insisted it would be good for them. So here she was at a new school in a new town surrounded by a forest. On the bright side at least that meant alot of hiking and running trails. On the other hand it had a hand in her anxiety and paranoia. Currently she was at lunch writing in a journal about her new school. It was...interesting to say the least. She was fairly certain that a group of kids was apart of a cult. And she knew thar sounded weird as hell but well...it was true. I mean sure she's seen her fair share of clichés but this was just different. Plus the way they acted and talked was...weird. not like she was one to talk though. I mean she was seeing a therapist for her behavior and trauma. But anyways. Back to the cult kids. I mean the way they acts was just weird. Not to mention they were like...insanely hot. Which she was fairly certian was cult initiation 101 to get other peopke to join. You gotta send out the hot people to convice normal people to join. But that wasn't the point. The point was that she was currently in detention with one of them. Specifically who she suspected was the leader. Y/c. They had a fee classes together. But they never actually interacted. So currently she was just doodling in her journal. She didn't have anything to write about, her home work was done, and she wasn't allowed to talk to anyone else so yeah...she just drew. She felt eyes on her and glanced up, looking aroujd. And y/c was looking right at her...creepy. she looked back down and sighed.

"Why are you always writing in that journal?" They asked.

Demi looked at them and made a face before go8ng back to drawing, not wanting to get in more trouble.


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