
73 1 102

Villian y/c
Yandereish y/c
Prohero demi

Trigger warning:
Possible yandere actions

Demi groaned when she woke up and tried to move, she felt like she was laying on something soft. She tried to pick up her head but found it hard and yawned. She curled up a bit and snuggled into what felt like blankets. Maybe she should just stay here q bit longer, it was so warm, and soft, and she was so tired. The warm material felt so nice and she wanted to stay so bad. "Enjoying yourself love?" A voice asked, making demi wake up from her little haze and she weakly opened her eyes, looking at y/c, q very dangerous and wanted villians. "What the...what are you doing here? Did you kidnap me? What did you do to me!" She demanded and tried to sit up, although her arms gave out and she collapsed. "What the hell! What is this!" She yelled and glared at y/c "relax love, just a little sedative to calm you fown and relax you. Don't you remember? You short circuited, and your friends left you for dead. If it wasn't for me you would have been crushed to death" y/c said and smiled at her, moving to sit next to her and ran their hand through her hair. "Just relax huh love? Just relax and everything will be ok. I promise to take care of you, and keep you away from the society who abandoned you, and left you for dead. Away from your friends who laughed at your pain, away from it all. You'll be safe and loved with me my love" y/c whispered and smiled at her. Demi just let sleep consume her again and laid in the bed, whimpering softly. She tried to kove away from y/c but was to tired to actually move, just closing her eyes and letting sleep tale her once again, let her escape this nightmare. When she eventually woke up again she was in the same bed as before but this time she was able to move more. She jyst sighed and glanced around the room. It looked similar to her own room, although some things were missing, or new things were here. She just ignored it and tried to get up. But her arms still wouldn't work. "Y/c!" She yelled "I'm awake again, and i want to get up!" She yelled and frowned.


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