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Idk what this is, i just got bored and watched some scary stories and came up with this))

Magic creature y/c

Demi had always been a bit more 'special' then her siblings. Most people asumed it was cause she was the youngest, but no. She could see things, hear things, feel things that no one else could. Well except the people her grandma kept calling. They were weird, but they made her feel safe so demi never argued when they would take her to a temple to 'cleanse' her. One day though her grandma got in an accident, demi and her grandma were very close, she was the only one to go spend summers with her, and she was always the favorite out of all her grandkids. Probably cause demi and her grandma were the same in some ways, like they both saw things. So when grandma got in an accident and passed it came as a surprise that the only thing she got was an old beat up doll, well for now anyways. Once demi turned 18 she would get her grandma's pretty cottage. But she loved the doll, she would take it everywhere with her, it made her feel safe, way safer then the people and their temples. Before she got it she used to have nightmares, but she didn't anymore. It was nice, and she loved the doll greatly for it. As she got older things calmed down a bit, and demi stopped taking the doll everywhere. Well for the most part, if she went out at night then she would take it, just slip it in her bag to make her feel safer, or if she knew she would be out late she would run home after school to pick it if her friends invited her anywhere, making the excuse of they should chamge first seeing as how most of the time the uniforms were uncomfortable. Currently demi was waiting on the subway with her friends and they eere talking about how excited they were for their first concert on their own, by now demi was 15 and she had grown up quite a bit, at the moment they were all just laughing and talking about the concert and gossip at school when the train came to a stop that wasn't on the list. They all just shrugged it off as poor planning or that they didn't know the times on the night route all that well. But something about it and the people who got on seemed off to demi, and she noticed her friend tokoyami seemed to notice it too. Now these two were birds of a feather (get it bird). Apparently they could both see things, demons and spirits as tokoyami called them, that was how they met, because demi had pointed out the weird shadow bird chilling with him. Demi moved over to sit next to tokoyami and gripped her purse, glnacing at the doll inside of it. When they eventually got to the stop all of the group filed off, and so did the other people from the missing stop. They followed the group of high-schoolers and demi started to get a very bad feeling, she tried not to pinic to much but when one of them grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her away from the group, she screamed and got the attention of her friends. Almost immediately demi was thrown over the 'persons' shoulder and they ran off, although didn't get very far because soon after y/c showed up and tripped the person holding demi. Now demi was shocked. Not cause she was almsot kidnapped, no, because this new savior of hers looked exactly like her doll.


(Ooh, this one was long. Also i probably didn't make it clear but y/c is pretty much tied/possessing the doll and because demi has the doll they have to protect her. Also thwi doesn't have to be a ship chapter, they could just have a sibling or something relationship anyways enjoy)))

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