gay bar

41 1 67

Lesbian demi
Gay y/c

Idea credits to Neko_-Shoto

Demi was just trying to have a good time, instead she got harassed by some random dude. Like this place is called a bar for a reason. Sure bis also come here all the time but still doesn't mean you can just assume someone would be into you. Like she doesn't assume that all the chicks here would want to hook up with her. Like she'll only first with the chicks who kinda eye her. And if they day no dhe backs off. But this dude just would not leave her alone, no matter how much she said 'I'm gay' or 'im not interested' her final straw was when she was at the bar and trying to order a drink when she felt someone up against her. At first she thought maybe it was just cause it was crowded then she felt hands on her hips and was about to snap when she heard the guy yelling. She looked over and saw her savior was another guy she had seen earlier, and god did she hope he wasn't just some other asshole who would try her. She watched as y/c danced with the asshole and snickered a bit when he got all pissed and started yelling how he wasn't gay before storming off. "You ok miss? Sorry for that" y/c said and looked at demi. Demi hesitated a bit, not sure if this guy was safe or not. She had seen him earlier, walking around the dance floor, like he was watching for something or someone. It kinda creeped her out. Plus he was kinda big and pretty scary looking. "Yeah, thanks. How about i buy you a drink. Gay to gay" she joked and gave a half hearted laugh, and a slightly scared smile


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