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Kitsune y/c

Demi wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to being wanted well...i guess she technically wasn't. But currently they were having her get ready for a bride ceremony. Demi's villiage believed in the spirits of the forest, but one spirit in particular was extremely important to them. Y/c was the fox spirit that protects their villiage from danger. There were all kinds of stories and legends about y/c, thats why they had a tradition that every 100 years they would give y/c a bride. Demi didn't understand it exactly, she saw it as ridiculous, but here she was, being the bride for a mystical fox, who she didn't even belive in. Demi frowned as she was being dressed up in the robes and looked down. She was then escorted out of the house and was paraded through the villiage, people praising her and celebrating. Demi bit her lip and looked around, once they arrived to the edge of the villiage demi was moved forward and walked into the forest. She looked around and walked until she couldn't see her villiage anymore, sitting on a tree stump. She sighed and looked around, not aure what to do. "Great...I'm stuck" she muttered. "Maybe i can go to the villiage on the other side of the forest" said, talking her herself. She jumped feeling something rub against her feet and looked down. Demi frowned seeing a fox and giggled, slowly reaching down to pet it. "Why hello there. You wouldn't happen to know where the legendary y/c is would you?" She asked and smiled a bit, picking up the fox wnd setting it in her lap, giggling softly. The fox staired up at demi and tilted it's head, before licking her and nuzzling her. Y/c was confused, had it been 100 years already? Was this their new bride, was the villiage still doing that? Why not just leave food. "You probably don't huh? Well i guess i should start heading to the other villiage huh?" Zhe asked and set y/c down, getting up and startung to take off the robes and fold them, leaving them on the stump.


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