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Did i get the dialog from reign...maybe. or maybe i just saw it on tik and got interested))

Princess demi
Prince y/c
Male y/c
Arranged marriage au
Fairy demi
Human y/c
Fantasy au
Kinda asshole y/c

To say demi was less then thrilled to have to marry y/c, some dumb human prince, was an under statement. She hated this already and was currently meeting with y/c and talking about their future. Y/c kept making off handed comments about demi and her race, ans how he thought that she looked strange and kept asking her if it would be weird for her to loose her fairy features to become his wife. When demi yelled at him for it his only reply was "I'm the future king" "and I'm your future queen" demi snapped back "then you'd learn to respect ny decisions" y/c argued, getting a bit upset at demi. Tk which demi smacked him "respect goes both ways, i will not have s relationship like your mother and fathers" she said and glaredat him. "i am nothing like my father and for you to suggest otherwise-" y/c began and pushed demi against a wall, glaring down at her and grabbing her face "then why are you acting like him?" Demi asked and looked up at him with a blank expression. She couldn't be bothered with him. Y/c was an asshole, a selfish prince who clearly didn't understand that she was only marrying him to avoid a war, one the humans would surely lose. If anything she was doing him a favor and he had the nerve to act like she was in the wrong when he talked about mutilating her. This is why she hates humans, she would rather marry a demon then him.


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