She looked confused and out of focus.
She opened her mouth to speak and I nodded encouragingly.


I thanked the girl and walked back to Luna's room with the bubble teas, coffees and water bottles I just bought in the hospital cafeteria.

As I walked, Sehun  came into view and jogged towards me with a neutral expression.

He wanted to help me carry some of the bubble teas and I let him.

" Noona, don't be sad, Lay said it's just a temporary thing. It'll pass soon."
He reassured me as we walked.

I sighed.
"I just j-hope so Sehun. It's just so shocking. Who did this to her?"

He shook his head sadly.
" I don't know Noona. But I promise we'll find out."

I nodded slightly, trying not to cry again.

Luhan was already doing plenty of that even though he's not showing the others.

We reached the small room and handed each member their drink and they said their thanks.

Sehun sat down next to Luhan and I sat next to Chanyeol.

He turned around, away from his hushed conversation with Baekhyun, and hugged me.

Under normal circumstances I would have blushed and pushed him away but the circumstances aren't normal.
I just let him rest his chin on my shoulder (an awkward position too I can say) and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I feel a semi-glare from behind me and I twisted around to see it was Bom.

She was glaring at me slightly but also looking at me like she was totally shipping us. I just laughed internally and turned back in my seat.

"Is it true? ?"

We all faced the door and saw Krystal red faced and tears streaming down her cheeks.

We all looked away or looked down, unable to break the news to her.

"IS IT??"
She screamed like we didn't hear her the first time.

" Yes unnie."
Bom said quietly, hugging Jiyong even tighter as Krystal collapsed onto her knees.

" Krystal! "
D.O rushed to help her up and made her sit down next to him.

Victoria and Amber arrived behind Krystal in time to hear what we said to her.

" What's true?"
Amber asked confused. Victoria looked equally as confused as her.

I looked over at Suho and mouthed to him.

--Didn't you tell her??--

He shrugged.

--Didn't know how to break it to her--

I sighed again.

Chen spoke up sorrowfully.
" Noona, Amber, Luna...
She got7 amnesia and can't even remember her own name."

Krystal cried even louder and Victoria shook her head in disbelief.
", Luna would never..."

Amber slowly walked over to the chairs and sat down next to Baekhyun and Kai, not looking like she was really thinking.

" It's ok Noona- I mean, Amber."
Baekhyun awkwardly patted her back gently.
She just shook her head sadly but didn't cry. She would never show us her being weak.

" Is there any way to get her memory back?" Victoria asked.

Our doctor (Lay) answered that
" It's only a temporary amnesia. The amount of stress and physical abuse she received was too much for her brain so it just shut down. We shouldn't force her to remember anything or else it could get worse so just take it easy."

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