Chapter 1

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Seeing you for the first time (You're the new girl and the same year as them)


You walk past Harry to get a seat in the Great hall. He's busy talking to Ron, Hermione and June as his eyes wonder and he spots you. He immediately stops talking and stares at you without even realizing. He thinks you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He blushes and stammers when he directs his attention back to his friends. Ron laughed at him.

"Shut up."

"Do either of you know her name?" He asked Hermione and June.

He ignores everyone the rest of breakfast because he's just thinking about you.


Ron looks up from eating in the Hall to see you take your seat. Some food falls out of his mouth as his jaw drops from how gorgeous you are.

"Sorry." He mutters as he quickly closes his mouth and swallow hard.

He pretends nothing happened and goes back to eating and listening to Harry Hermione and June, but keeps looking up to steal glances at you. He thinks about you and tries to seek you out in the halls and classes but never says anything. He even nearly follows you out of class one day before he realizes what he's doing.


Draco quickly tells Crabbe and Goyle to shut up but doesn't explain why and instead carefully watches you sit down in the hall. He thinks to himself that you're awfully pretty and wonders why he hasn't seen you before. Rude. He won't answer Crabbe and Goyles questions or even his sister's and snaps at them to shut up again. He's busy plotting how to get your attention. He smirks when he thinks of witty rude things to say that would surely make you look at him.


He was laying down on the bench in the courtyard talking with his friends. He sat up when he saw you walking by and followed you with his eyes. He quickly got up, excusing himself and ran to talk to you.


Absolutely stunned. His face was SO red. He watched you sit down and was so scared to try and talk to you or get your attention so he just sat there staring. He stares at you when you walk by him in the hall or sit near him in class.


George looks up and goes unusually quiet. He realizes his mistake, quickly looks back down and continues the conversation with Fred and Lee but it was too late.

"Who was that, Georgie?" Fred asked.

George acts like he doesn't know what Fred was talking about and refuses to look in the direction you went. Once Fred and Lee are off his back he steals another glance at you and wonders who you are. He thinks of ways to "bump" into you.


He smirks the second he looks up and sees you.

"My my would you look at that."

George and Lee look at him confused and then follow his eyes to you.

"Oh no." George said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need to get to know her." Fred says.

He wouldn't stop staring. He decided half way through breakfast to shout across the room to get your attention.

"Come here often?!" He shouted.

George shakes his head. You and your friends laugh and Fred winks. He thought it was funny and smooth.


Of course he was out on the Quidditch pitch and he saw you sitting in the bleaches reading.

He literally couldn't take his eyes off you.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" His sister asked.

"Huh? N-nothing! Go get ready for practice!"

After that he immediately turned back to you. He remained focused during practice but you remained in the back of his mind so he would definitely talk to you soon.


He immediately tells everyone around him to shut up at once. He looks at you curiously as you walk by. He gets up without a word to approach you. He stares at you intently and it freaks you out a little. It's like he's studying his prey. He introduces himself arrogantly and invites you to sit with him, his siblings and his "friends." You hesitate for just a second which angers him. He looks at you with a pointed look.

"I'll have you know not just anyone gets invited to sit with me and my......"friends". You should feel honored."

He doesn't like to look stupid so he stalks away and sits back down, brooding before you can even respond.

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