Yokohama's greatest band

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"Am I finally free from singing today? Ane-san?" The orange haired singer laid on the couch watching his phone said.

"Yes, you are." His manager, Koyou otherwise referred as "Ane-san" from Chuuya, said.

Chuuya hissed a little "yessss" under his breath. Then, koyou continued,

"Would like to form a band? "

Chuuya turned to his pink-haired manager. "I-I mean...sure? I guess. It's pretty lonely when you're the only one singing on stage. So, yeah sure." Chuuya shrugged.

"Okay, I'll try to find a band then." Koyou replied.

{The next day}

Chuuya had a meet and greet on the day and so Koyou thought it was a perfect day to invite the band members she decided to collaborate with.


The doorbell rang. Koyou went to open the door.

"Koyou, right?" A brunette spoke, he was the leader of the band, most of the time plays an electric guitar and sings. He was Dazai Osamu. Then a cute  grey haired boy who had a mix of purple and yellow in his eyes was Atsushi Nakajima, the keyboard player. Last but not least, Akutagawa Rynouske, a black haired boy with white tips at the end of his hair, he was the drummer. He usually plays the drums with a straight face if you see their concerts. 

The three wasn't really a big band, they usually play in a bar. But with Chuuya as a new member, their popularity is going to increase very fast and they will perform at a gigantic stage full of people cheering them, it's like their dream.

"Ah, come in!" Koyou said with open arms.

"Thank you!" Atsushi said as he walked in with the other two.

"Sit here please, Chuuya-kun will be returning from his meet and greet soon, I'll make lunch for you guys." Koyou said as she made her way to the kitchen.

{A few minutes later}

"Ane-san! I'm back fro...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" Chuuya dropped his bag as he got into a "Ready-to-punch-you" stance.

Atsushi hid behind the emotionless Akutagawa as Dazai laughed and approached the redhead,

"Woah there, we're your bandmates, don't need to be so aggressive."

"N-New bandmates?" Chuuya was confused then realised," Ohh, the on Ane-san mentioned, sorry., tell me your roles?"

"Oh!" Astushi jumped in front of the redhead(startling him a bit) as he contnued," Well, I'm Atsushi, the keyboardist and there's Akutagawa, the drummer and there's Dazai, he mostly sings and plays the guitar but now that you are with us, we don't need him being so stressful!"

"Okay...and what are you guys ages?"  Chuuya asked, hoping one of them would be the same age as him.

"I'm 22, Atsushi's 18 and Akutagawa's 20." Dazai said.

"Oh, uh, Dazai, we're the same age heh..." Chuuya laughed awkwardly.

Dazai just smiled at the comment which made Chuuya blushed a little.

"So...are we gonna write a song?" Akutagawa asked.

"Ah, sure!" Chuuya smiled as the four who were now a band walked into a recording studio.

"Umm...who's the strategist for the song writing? I'm quite bad at creating ideas heh..." Chuuya scratched the back of his head.

Atsushi looked at Dazai as he sighed,

" Fine I'll do the planning." Dazai said as he walked toward the redhead.

" So, duet or single?" The brunette asked. 

"Well...let's see how you sing first." Chuuya said.

After a few vocal exercises, Chuuya was convinced that he could sing, like, really sing.

"Wow, so duet it is I guess!" Chuuya excitedly said as he was always the only one singing most of the time. He wanted to try out a new thing.

They decided they would sing a love song, it would be something like pop. They released the song after agreeing on the lyrics and they would have a concert next month. As days pass, the four started to get along, especially Dazai and Chuuya. They started practicing together and got closer together.

{One week before the concert, nighttime}

" wanna practice again?" Dazai rested his head on Chuuya's lap while lying down which made Chuuya's face turn very, very red.

"Y-You...m-mean the s-song...?" Looked away from the brunette.

Dazai nodded and continued to lie down on Chuuya's thighs. 

"I-If you w-want to sh-should get up right...?" The flustered Chuuya continued to say.

"Okay!" Dazai jumped up which made the redhead calm down and pulled Chuuya to the studio.

{After a minute of singing}

"I love you forever~~"

"I love you forever...."

^^That's part of the song!

"And stop!" Koyou said. Dazai went to make some coffee for him and Chuuya.

In the studio, Koyou asked Chuuya,

"Do you like Dazai-kun?"

Chuuya's face went as red as last time as he said,

"O-Of c-course n-not!!"

"Oh please, Chuuya my darling, it's so obvious."

"F-fine...I do like h-him..."

"I like you too, Chibi." Dazai walked in, smiling while he held two mugs of coffee. "Here, my love."

Chuuya was too stunned and embarrassed to speak or move, Dazai used this opportunity to plant a quick kiss on his lips.

"Dazai, now you've traumatised him even more." Koyou said while supporting Chuuya so that he won't die of being red in the cheeks.

{Concert day} 

--Dazai's POV--

The speakers were blasting in our ears, we heard someone say,

"And the band you've all been waiting for has finally came!!"

We heard lots of cheering when Atsushi and Akutagawa enter the stage, now it was our turn, I turned to Chuuya, he said,

"Don't worry, it'll be fine, just remember, I'm here with you!"

Aww, he was so comforting to look at.

The crowd erupted to even louder cheers as the two of us entered the stage, Chuuya was waving at the gigantic crowd, he was in the middle, I was to his left, a little behind him, Akutagawa was at the very back and Atsushi was at the far right of me.

The music started playing. 

I sing to distract me from my problems.


I love playing the keyboards, it makes me happy.


I like playing the drums, it helps me express my emotions


I sing for who I love, I love you, Dazai.

Is this nice? I took three days, I hope you like it. Who am I kidding, this is still cringe the next will be better.

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