Persistent Visions.

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Meliodas Pov

after awhile I had arrived at the rundown village, feeling tired and weary. my hearts were thundering in my ears as my soul felt heavy, my clothes sticking to my skin from the sweat. the ground crunched under my feet as I landed softly, causing me to look around in curiosity. it looked like it hadn't changed much if any since i'd last seen it, the buildings still broken and abandoned.

why haven't I seen Ban yet? wasn't he heading this way? I thought curiously, looking around the quiet village to asses what was going on and if there were any threats.

a yawn escaped me when the cold wind blew by me, sending a frigid chill down my spine. I knew i'd have to set camp until the others arrived, but that didn't help knowing Elizabeth was still not with me, not in my arms and under my protection. after gathering some firewood and picking one of the rundown houses that was the least fallen apart I set up my fire inside of it, taking off my coat to use as a blanket and laying down next to my fire. I watched the flames dance as my eyes grew heavy, my throat feeling tight at once again going to sleep without Elizabeth.

'Elizabeth? I love you..... goodnight' I sent through the mating bond, my eyes sliding shut wearily when I received no reply.


stop..... make it stop......

He'll be okay and with meliodas... that's what matters....

no..... please don't touch me....


I sat up with a gasp, one hand instinctually clutching my shirt as my hearts thundered. my vision was blurred from a mixture of sleep and tears, everything in me feeling jittery. the feeling of hands on my shoulders went unnoticed as I continued to gasp for breath, slowly curling up on myself as the sound of Elizabeth's voice echoed in my mind, my throat filling with bile at what I had heard her say through the bond.

how long ago had she said those things? and just how scared did she have to have been in order to have spoken it into the bond too? I thought in a panic, vaguely hearing someone trying to speak to me.

suddenly I lurched over, throwing up on the ground as more tears tracked down my face. I could feel someone rubbing my back as my senses cleared up, my mind settling and falling to a calm. after a minute the nausea settled, not gone but not intolerable.

"y-you okay captain?" I heard king ask hesitantly, still rubbing my back slowly.

for a moment I stayed silent, shivering as the remainder of the tears finished tracking down my face. after a minute I sat up silently, looking to my side to see king watching me worriedly as the sight of orange light cast brightly into the cracks in the walls and roof of the broken down house.

"how is everyone? did you all make it okay?" I asked quietly, taking a moment to gather my bearings before lifting myself off of the ground.

"yes, diane got a scrape on her knee because of some jerk but other then that we're all fine...." he responded wearily, looking over and grabbing my coat for me.

"good, glad to hear you guys made it alright.... have any of you seen ban yet? I hadn't seen him while on the way here or when I arrived..." I added with a grimace, walking out of the abandoned house slowly while putting my white coat on.

"no we hadn't seen him... do you think something happened? or maybe he got distracted being an idiot?" he asked curiously, floating at my side.

"I don't know.... all I do know is that he's not gonna just wonder off or get distracted from a mission as important as this....." I huffed tiredly, not knowing how we were supposed to go search for ban while searching for Elizabeth.

Every Breath (Melizabeth)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz