No Luck

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Elizabeth POV

I finally decided to go downstairs and greet everyone ban seemed happy to see me.

"hey princess how bout I get ya some breakfast?" he asked smiling,

"yes please Sir ban" I said happily,

Diane came over to me and asked if I'd slept well and that question instantly had me remembering that morning and my interaction with meliodas, I blushed slightly at the thought.

"oh I slept great what about you?" I asked trying not to blush,

She saw my reaction and grinned "heeeyyyy hawk forgot to tie the caappttaaiinn up last night!" she said loud enough for everyone to hear,
I blushed dark red and hawk screeched realizing his mistake and charged at meliodas who just came in from hunting and tied him up and gagged him.

meliodas looked extremely confused, but when he saw me he winked at me. I almost fainted and ban started laughing so hard he was crying and dian was giggling at me and king had a bloody nose, hawk was sooo mad he threw an empty cup at meliodas Who grunted from it hitting his head. I went over and started untying him he smiled and thanked me afterwards.

I then i got to work customers were already coming and I was so happy to be back at the tavern,

Time skip 1:00 am
Still Elizabeth POV

There was so many customers and it was pretty crowded in here.

as I brung a customer his drink, I think everyone was super drunk and meliodas had to go hunt again for fifth time today because of all the customers. I was going past some of the customers and one of them put there hand on my thigh and told me he needed something and it was Really important. I found it kinda creepy how he put his hand on my thigh but none the less I asked him what he needed he said he needed help going outside to grab his "Medicine" so naturally I started helping the man to his feet and started walking him out after all creepy or not I didn't want someone to die if they needed medical stuff and I didn't help because I was creeped out.

we got outside and he pointed out in the woods and said he must have dropped it out there.

So I started helping him get to where he was pointing at and we made it a away from the tavern and I was soo creeped out but my thoughts were interrupted by him practically throwing me against a tree and covering my mouth.

I bit his hand and screamed at the top of my Lungs "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!"
he re sealed my mouth then looked around and
saw............ Nobody, Nobody  heard me he then Looked back at me and grinned.

Meliodas POV

I just got back to the tavern with a fresh kill. I noticed that I couldn't see Elizabeth, but it was crowded, so I figured that I didn't see her cuz how many there were.

it couldn't have even been fifteen minutes and I was looking around in the tavern wondering where she was and thats when we all heard it someone outside screamed "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!" we all charged outside to see what was going on but no one, not a single person was out there we couldn't see anyone.

It must have been an hour or so before Ban asked where the princess was. I almost had a heart attack when I realized that scream must have Been from her.

Time skip morning

We searched all night and found nothing. captains demon markings had appeared and he started getting agresive about finding her, but No Luck.

Time skip Afternoon
King POV

At this point there was holy knights involved in the search, there must have been at least a hundred or more people looking and No one had found anything captain was starting to panic which none of us have even seen before we've seen him pissed but not scared


Ik short chapter but I'm busy with work 😊❤


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