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Meliodas pov

"Oh! Oh! And we should definitely have flowers! Did i mention flowers? Oh! And for our first dance as a married couple we should make it like a game and have to be blindfolded!" Elizabeth exclaimed excitedly, giggling with a blush.

We had been talking about the wedding and planning ever since she woke up.

"Mhm, yeah, I'll make sure you have all the flowers i can get my hands on. And ill make sure its a very fun game, perhaps we'll call it the blindfolded waltz?" I inquired softly, enjoying how happy it made her to talk about this.

"I absolutely can't wait! Oh! What colors do you want?" She asked grabbing my hand for her to hug, smiling at me softly.

"Well, my favorite color is Blue, Sapphire blue, the color of your eyes" i spoke dreamily, sighing as i laid back with my hands behind my head.

Her giggling made my head feel light with joy, before she leaned over me for a kiss.

"Well my favorite colors are emerald green and onyx black, the colors of your eyes. Demon magic or otherwise." She spoke sincerely, taking my breath away as always.

"Your such a softy" i chuckled with a grin, loving how she smiled almost bashfully.

"I am not....... Oh! What flavor should our cake be?" She giggled excitedly, her happiness bringing a smile to my face.

"Hmm, i like all kinds of flavors so it doesn't really matter to me what kind it is as long as you like I'm sure I'll like it, besides as long as I'm not the one making it it'll probably be delicious anyhow" i spoke sheepishly scratching my head, thinking on who I'd have bake it for her.

Hmm, ban could do it easy, and i wouldn't even have to pay him........ Man, come to think of it i really miss them.......

"Oh come on, your cooking is just fine, don't be so harsh on yourself" she spoke softly, running her fingers down my chest softly.

"Sure~ whatever you say Ellie" i spoke teasingly, attempting to distract myself from her wondering hand.

She looked like she was completely dazed, staring at me with eyes clouded with lust. Before i even realized it she had leaned over me once more and was kissing me, biting my Bottom lip softly, dragging quiet groans from my throat.

I gasped as she suddenly had her hands under my shirt, tracing my muscles softly.

"E-Elizabeth..... Please i-i" i couldn't even get a word out between her lips as she started licking my lips, niping them softly.

Right her hand dipped just barely under my pants i grabbed both of her wrists firmly but not hard enough to hurt her and pushed her off gently.

"Elizabeth.... No, i can't risk hurting you and we both know i can get a little.... Rough... In bed, so how about you lay back and i can make you feel really good okay?" I whispered softly, frowning when she wouldn't look at me.

I bit my lip as worry caused a crease in my brow. I leaned over and attempted to kiss her, to get her to lay back so that i could pleasure her, but she turned her face from me.

"Ellie?" I mumbled against her cheek, wrapping an arm around her.

"I'm sorry, i just realized I've never actually gotten to touch you like how you touch me, you always lead......." She whispered shyly, her blush reaching all the way up to her hairline.

"Oh...... Yeah, i guess i have always led huh, so how about after its born you can touch me all you want okay? I'm really sorry, but if you touch me now i might get too excited.... And try for more then just touches and that might lead to me being...... Rough, i don't want to hurt you or our baby, and with you being pregnant your body is extremely fragile" i spoke sincerely, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"Okay....." She mumbled staring at her lap, causing my will to shrivel a little bit more.

I grabbed her chin softly, pulling her up to look at me.

"Hey, i love you" i spoke honestly, smiling when she smiled at me.

"I love you too" she giggled softly, as i kissed her lovingly.


King pov

Ever since Elaine and Ban got back yesterday they've been acting strange. Sneaking around, giggling to each other and whispering things. Its starting to worry me.

I watched as ban held her in his left arm, cooking with his right.

"Dude, you good?" Zeldris asked at my side, poking me as if testing my attention to his question.

"Yeah I'm fine, just, have you noticed how strange those two have been acting lately?" I asked curiously, whispering it so as to not alert them of my curiosity.

"Hmm, yeah, actually i have. I figured it might have something to do with her being pregnant though" he spoke nonchalantly,

"WH-!" he muffled my scream of surprise by latching his hand around my mouth, thoroughly silencing me.

Everyone was staring though, curiosity written on they're faces.

He brushed them off and led me away, pulling me outside before letting go of me.

"She's pregnant?! Why didn't anyone tell me??" I whisper screamed, trying to stifle the adrenaline running through my veins.

"Yes, and no one told you because I just realized no one else even knows probably, i know because i can smell it..... So don't tell anyone, try to let them think your surprised when they tell you, kay?" He spoke holding the bridge of his nose, clearly tired.

"O-okay.... Thanks" i mumbled quietly,

"Yeah, whatever" he brushed me off,


Meliodas pov

I'm so excited i keep giggling at absolutely nothing. Like ill be sitting here, watching a wall when i feel the excitement kick in, and boom, I'm giggling at nothing.

Granted, i can't help it, only 1 week left until its born.

I am so thrilled to meet it. However, Elizabeth has gotten even more sleepy then before, to the point where she doesn't even leave the bed, she'll talk for a moment but then she's out again.


I woke with a start, feeling a cold sweat crawl up my spine.

Why am i so uncomfortable right now? I didn't have any nightmares, Elizabeth is fine, there is no threats in the room..... So what is it? I mentally questioned myself, surprised to discover that it was the mating bond that woke me.

Feeling it suddenly send a wave of adrenaline causing me to swiftly climb out of bed.

I stood there feeling panic rise in my chest. I started to feel a need to get water, but i had no thirst. I did not want a cup of water, i wanted a bowl of warm water for some reason.

I vaguely made out the sounds of Elizabeth shifting, mumbling something before my hearing peaked, heightening to the point of hearing Elizabeth's heartbeat without even trying.

And suddenly it hit me, the bond sending almost feral instincts through me.

I need to get merlin i thought quickly writing a note for Elizabeth that i would return soon, before taking flight out the door.



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