Stealing Up to Newport

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"Tired, would you like to see him?" She held up the little bundle. "He's finally not fussing."

"Of course I would." I went to sit next to her, pulling aside the blanket. He had a screwed up face, a light dusting of black hair and when his eyes lazily opened they were the same clear blue of Sophie's. "He's beautiful."

I heard Will come up behind Sophie's chair, leaning over. "Let's hope he doesn't turn out like his father." I couldn't help the sigh as I looked at my husband and rolled my eyes, he coughed slightly. "He's a handsome baby, Sophie."

"And big." She hefted him, a smile lighting up her features. "And only getting bigger."

"Hopefully he's letting you sleep." Will brought his chair over to sit on Sophie's other side. "My friend's wife says she never gets enough sleep once she's had one, at least for the first few months."

Sophie cuddled Adam back to her breast, "I can sleep some, but it seems I'm up all night sometimes."

"Crying?" Will dangled a finger in front of Adam, who extended a pudgy hand to try and grab it.

"No," Sophie chuckled as Adam latched onto Will's finger. "He's such a good baby."

I glanced over to her, seeing the paleness of her face and the circled beneath her eyes. "Sophie, you look exhausted. Can't you give him to his nurse at night?"

"I give him over late at night." She blinked slowly, "Zachary has been wanting to take him around to all the parties, and me with him. He took him on his own a few times, but I just can't stand to be away from him. So I go, just be with my son."

"Sophie, this isn't healthy." I whispered, leaning close to her.

"Adam didn't come easy," She sighed, "And the parties tire me out, but Zachary won't leave early."

Will pursed his lips. "That's not right Sophie, not a bit. You should be resting, and have Adam around you."

"That's what I've been saying!" The nurse piped up, but immediately quailed when we looked over. "Sorry, ma'am."

"It's alright." Sophie shook her head, her hair hanging limp. "You're not wrong."

I bit the bullet. "Sophie, we're going up to Newport in two days. We've had reporters hounding the house about the Empress sinking, we just want to get away. Come with us, meet us at the train station. You and Adam and his nurse, you can stay with us. Fresh sea air, cool breezes, you can rest and be together."

Her eyes were bright, "What will I say?"

"I'll tell them that we're going to need to take Adam to a better climate, for his health." The nurse darted forward. "We say we're traveling light, only us and we meet them. It will be good for him, and for you."

"They won't be up to Newport for a month or so." I reached over for Sophie's hand, patting it. "You'll have an entire month to be with him, doesn't that sound nice?"

"Oh Anastasia," She sniffed, her voice thick. "I couldn't."

"You can, you need to." Will took her other hand, "Sophie, you'll die if you keep going on like this." Sophie's lips quivered, she sobbed once, then dropped her head and nodded. Will and I soothed her, telling her about our house and the beach, how much fun Rigel and Little Freddy would have swimming in the cove. Will even promised to take her out on the yacht, a relaxing day at sea.

With her assurances that she would meet us at the train station, we sent her up to get some rest. Will stopped on the way out though, handing a note over to the butler. "Can you see this to Mr. Reichster, senior that is." The man bowed, tucking it away and I couldn't help but grin. Will had let me read what he had written, and I had enjoyed every word of it.

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