Chapter 42- Couture

Start from the beginning

   The paparazzi particularly, were elated to see Zayn and their whole entourage at the event. Normally, they were restricted to their social media platforms.
   The reporters were given a chance to engage them in a question-and-answer session for a couple of minutes before they got seated for the show to commence. They answered the questions to satisfaction. Sayida and Haseeb caught the media's attention as new faces in the entourage. Sayida was a bit overwhelmed by the attention, and she felt at ease when Mariya linked her hand with hers just before a photo of them was taken. She turned to Haseeb who shot her an assuring smile.
    Soon enough, they were seated in the event hall, where the show was to take place. Everything was in place just as they had helped in putting it up before leaving to get ready.
    They settled on the seats on the third row, so they could catch a perfect view of the ramp. The view was just right.
   In no time, people filled in the empty seats. The show was just about to commence.
   Mariya took out her phone from her clutch when she felt it vibrate. She was greeted with a reply from Fareeda with regards to her inquiry on how things were going. It was a positive reply.
   She let out a relieved breath and took Zayn's hand in hers. He brought their intertwined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. They were totally unaware of the cameras flashing at them.
    Hajia Laura settled beside Zayn and shot them a smile. Mariya was trying her best to remember where she knew the woman sitting beside her. Their friends conversed lightly about how the program was unfolding so far.

   " Mama, where are the children?" She was referring to Ameer and Zainab.

   " You see them soon."

   Mariya pondered over her mother's words for a while before nodding in understanding.
   She felt eyes boring holes into her head. As if someone had trained their eyes on her. She turned to Zayn, only to see him speaking to Hajia Laura. None of their friends looked in her direction. They were all engrossed in one thing or the other. She dusted off the feeling, thinking she was being too paranoid. She backed it up with the fact that it was her first public appearance after all that has happened.

   The MC of the event announced her presence and got their attention. There was a brief introduction, and a welcome note to appreciate all the occupants of the hall. Finally, the long-awaited show began.
    One by one, the models cat walked onto the ramp, showcasing the eloquence and brilliance of Rheeda. It rolled off with women's fashion.
   The show was themed with an ethnic essence, bringing out the roots of the country's fashion history with a touch of modernity. Ranging from state to state, Fareeda picked out well-known models from each of the federations in the country to represent their states. Nothing was left out. The dresses were one to die for. She didn't miss the modesty in it. The accessories were perfectly correspondent to their pieces.
She never disappoints. Never.
    It was hard to choose a favorite look out of the models.
   Hajia Laura watched proudly as her daughter's dreams and aspirations played into reality. It was heartwarming to know that the circle of friends she had made were available to support her. Her husband was another icon. He had done all he could, to see that her dream played into reality.

   Farooq should better hurry up and watch this, she thought.

   The models walked down the ramp with years of built-up enthusiasm. She specifically watched Yasmeen in her untouched demeanor, not helping the thought that was peeping into her head.
    Right after, it was time for the men's fashion.
   Once again, Fareeda didn't disappoint.
  It was good to know that the effort she had put invested into her aspirations had proved worthy.  Nothing could ever beat that feeling of contempt.
   The cameras never stopped clicking pictures of the moments. Fashion reporters and bloggers were present to contribute to publicizing the event.
   Those moments were bound to get etched down into fashion magazines and entertainment news platforms.

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