chapter 17

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After class
Nialls pov

I wait till everyone leaves but Isaac and Scott wait for me. I don't trust them! I want them to leave! They have to leave.

I just slowly grab my stuff but they're still here. "Hey we just don't want you to be alone. Lone wolfs do not survive on their own" scott says. I make him stop. "Like i said! I have a pack now leave me fucking alone before i call my boyfriend cus you're annoying!" I tell them. I walk off angry and i go to Harry who is talking to Lydia and Stiles.

"Listen shit heads leave us the hell alone! We don't want you around and you're stalkers" i say. I grab harrys hand and i walk away. "What was that about? We were talking about our project" harry says. "Sorry. Those other 2 were following me. Sorry didn't know" harry chuckles and nods. We go home and i go to zayn in his office. He is hiring people to work for him.

"Oh niall we were just talking about you" i see an officer. Not people to hire i guess. "i see you can walk again" he says and i nod. "Can we talk?" He asks and i shake my head. "Why not?" The officer asks. "Cus i talked enough people i don't like today okay? You saw the video where they beated me up so either arrest them or just leave me fucking alone!" I tell him. "Niall come with me please. Come back an other time" zayn tells the cop en i walk with him.

"What wrong?" Zayn asks. "I don't know this baby is annoying! My mood keeps changing and i feel fat and disgusting. School sucks so bad that i just wanna hang myself but i can't cus i dont wanna leave you! Life feels unfair" i say. "I am glad you are honest with me and i am also glad you're not gonna hang yourself for me cus yes i do need you" zayn says.

"It isn't fair! I want this thing out of me! We didn't even tell anyone yet besides harry. We still need to do a lot for the baby room and who the hell was that man?" I keep continuing asking him questions when he gives me a kiss.

"Okay now just listen to what i have to tell" he tells me. "You're 3 months pregnant niall. I am already doing something for the baby room so don't worry about that. The man was a cop. He had some questions about someone cus i got a letter" zayn says. He gives me a letter. I read and well it basically says they want me and my kid dead.

"You make me a better person niall so i am gonna press charges. That cop will arrest him when he finds the person. No killing this time. I know you're scared but i will never let you get hurt or that little miracle in side you. I am already glad you dont have morning sickness anymore. Next week we will go the a theme park and yes Theo can come. Sateeday we still have a date on the beach" he says and i just smile.

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