chapter 15

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Zayns pov

We get home and Niall just lays down on the couch. I go to him and cuddle him. Theo comes to us. "You better be careful with my uncle! I know how to kill" theo says. "I won't hurt him i promise" i promise.

"Z? Look" niall shows me his arm for the second time. Only he has no wounds anymore. "The scars they're gone" i say. He nods just as confused as I am.

"Niall remember when he told us his project?" Harry asks sitting down. "Yeah why?" Niall asks scared grabbing his stomach. "Well you're all a werewolf now!" Harry says. "Thats bullshit it isn't real!" I say. "No it is real. The brown wolf was emma" louis says. Jeez this is to much to take. I need a lot of cigarettes right now. I try to stand up but it doesn't work cus someone named Niall holds me tight.

"You promised no more smoking if we cuddle! Besides i get to go twice to a theme park!" He says. "Niall i need it!" I say. "And i need you cuddling me!" He says holding me even more tight. "I am going to smoke!" I say he sighs and let me go.

Theos pov

I walk around and i am scared. I see 2 lads playing. They turn around and see me. "Wanna play with us?" I nod and we play. I hear a knock and not much later the lad that saved us that isn't harry comes in. "Hey dad! What do we have for dinner?" Freddie asks. "We're not sure yet. Niall stil refuses to eat. Theo did he do that before?" I shake my head.

"He did get bullied a lot cus he loved to eat" i say. I walk to uncle niall and tap his shoulder. "Hey whats up?" He asks. "You have to eat! You love to eat!" He smiles at me. He hugs me tight.

"I just don't wanna eat" he says looking down. "Why? You loved it!" I ask. "I feel fat a lot theo" he says sad. "Well you are skinny! You always ate and never had gotten any weight up! Besides you have to eat" i say. He sighs.

It really had hurt hem when we all died. He did eat but the meals he has to eat. Thats 3 big meals and 3 snacks. "Fine I'll eat something" he says. "Can we do your midnight snacks again?" I ask excited. "Maybe liam wants to do that" he says. "Fine but no one makes the best grilled cheese sandwich ever like you" i say. "True!" He answers and we laugh. Zayn comes back. "Now we can go on our date on the beach with the running" niall says.

"Saturday then?" Zayn asks and i sit with them. "I think i have time then. I mean you made me quite my job and go back to school so i can!" I hear as answer. I smile and we watch tv.

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