chapter 2

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Zayns pov

I see this big fear in his eyes. His wrist feels different like any other. I know about the not eating cus of the secret cameras in his house. I also know about his self-harm and it breaks me everytime when he does it.

Harry comes back still angry and hits my hand of Nialls wirst. I hit him hard back and he tries something but niall stops him. "Niall i want you to come live with us" i tell him. "No way he is gonna do that!" Harry says mad. His nose is bleeding but he already has a tissue for that.

"Yeah well. I don't trust him living alone and he knows why" niall walks away and harry follows him. Louis and liam look at me confused. "Why? Why don't you trust him alone?" Liam asks. "Remember the cams? I was watching him and harry but harrys life isn't special or something. Niall doesn't eat for weeks and cuts himself or burns himself"

Nialls pov

"H-he knows harry" louis comes in. "Harry out now" louis says. I nod at harry and he walks out pissed. "Why didn't you eat?" He asks. "I-i wasn't hungry" i say. I hear my stomach making noise. "Eat now" he says but i shake my head. "Why won't you just fucking eat" he asks a bit angry. "It's expensive here!" I snap a little.

"Then you gonna live with us" he says. "No! I-i don't want to" i say. He grabs my wrist and drags me with him. "He comes with us" he then says. "So am i then!" Harry says.

"Fine but you both live under our rules. That means going to school, eat and not hurt yourself" liam says. That is gonna be a big problem. All of that i can't do. I can't affort to eat, i hate school and i get bullied and i am addicted to hurting myself.

Louis pov

I am fine with him living with us. Both but i wanna get to know Harry better. "Can i smoke?" Harry asks. "Yeah sure just not in the house we have kids living but backyard is fine" i answer. We get to our house. Well it's a villa.

"DAD FREDDIE IS BEING MEAN AGAIN!" Bear yells. Bear is liams son, he is 5 years old. Freddie is mine and he is 7. Zayn has a kid too who is 3 years old her name is Khai. "What did he do this time?" I ask. "He stole my cookie again" god damn it Freddie! I walk to him. "You don't pick on him give it back" i say. Freddie gives it back. "Listen one day you 2 need go work together and then you can't try to kill each other or try to steal from each other" i tell them both

They nod and niall looks around. "Who is he?" Freddie asks pointing at Niall. "He is staying with us for a while" zayn answers. "Okay!" They continue doing what they do and Emma our cook walks in. "What can i get you for tonight?" She asks. Liam always says he doesn't do love but he is in love with her.

We look at Niall but he shakes his head. "Niall what do you want for dinner?" Zayn asks. "Nothin" i look at emma. "Surprise us" i say and she nods.

Harrys pov

I'm just looking around when i get lost. I see a room with all kinds of music instruments. Maybe it's something for niall? I look for him when i bump into someone. Oh it's liam. "Can you watch it?" He asks. "Me?! I am lost in your stupid house" i say.

While dinner
Nialls pov

The lady made lasagne. I just play with my food. It is my choice to eat or not. Harry didn't take a bit either but that is cus he thinks it is poisoned or something probably. I sit between liam and Zayn. "You both need to eat" zayn starts. Louis sits next to harry along with Freddie.

"I don't trust it" harry answers. Zayn grabs a fork and takes a bite from harrys plate. "Now eat" zayn says and harry starts to eat. I still play with the food.

"Alright thats it. Liam hold his arms please" liam stands behind me and grabs my arms and i struggle. Zayn opens my mouth and puts food in it. "You better eat it or your friend across you will pay!" I swallow it and he does it till everything is gone.

My arms hurt a lot. I stand up so i can throw up but zayn pulls me back down which hurts even more. Why won't they just let me do my thing?! After everything i go to my room. Bear showed it to me.

Zayn walks in. I turn my back to him not showing my face again. "Look niall you need to eat. I will keep doing it like this till you eat yourself" he says. "Go away" i tell him. I look at my arm and it's red where they hold me. "Can you please turn around?" He asks. "I can but i won't" i say whiping away my tears. "At night your door is gonna be locked so you can't try to hurt yourself or something" he says.

"I told you to fucking leave!" I tell him. I press my nails in my hand. "Stop doing the thing with your nails niall" zayn says. I continue only now a bit deeper. He walks to me and hits both of my hands. "I said stop" he says again. "And i said leave!" I say. He signs and leaves the room. He locks the door and i continue doing what i did before. My nails. Then i realize i have homework so just do that.

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