chapter 11

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A few hours later
Zayns pov

Niall is back from surgery and he is asleep. "He has 2 broken rips, his leg is broken and he has some bruises" the doctor says. "So he will be okay?" I ask. "physically yes but mentally i can't say" i nod and the doctor leaves.

Harry is gonna get coffee for us. After a while niall finally wakes up. "Can i go home?" He asks. "I don't know. You have 2 broken rips, your leg is broken and the bruises. Now who did this?" I ask. He ignores the question. "Niall i am serious who did this?" I ask again but way more serious. "I don't remember sorry" he says.

I can hear the pain in his voice and it makes me feel weak. "At least i can go to a theme park 2 times now" he says laughing which clearly hurts. "Lets just wait with that until you're recovered" he rolls his eyes playful. "I never saw the results of the test" he says.

The doctor comes back. She explains the surgery. "Also did you know you were pregnant?" Niall shrugs. "We thought that already yeah" i say. The others left and niall has to stay here for the night. "Can we cuddle?" He asks and i nod.

We lay down together and he has his head on my chest. He can hear my heart beat i hope. "Niall?" All i get is a mhm. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?" I ask. He looks up surprised. "When?" He asks as he lays his head back down. "Soon. On the beach before the sun goes down. With lots off waterballoons and waterguns. Or just sit down and watch the sun going down" i say dreamy.

"Sure. Sounds like fun only the running part won't be the best option right now" he says laughing. "Does it hurt when you laugh?" I ask. He nods. "To be honest everything hurts" he says. He falls asleep. I get a text from harry with a video of the people who beated niall up.

Harry: i know these lads i am gonna beat them up so bad they wished never been born

Zayn: please don't. Niall doesn't want that for you. I get it you want revenge but they will get what they deserve! I need names of their families and friends. Ask liam or louis for that

Harry: i will thanks man

I lay down my phone and i also fall asleep.

Next day
Nialls pov

We arrive back home and i need to lay down. Emma gives me tea and zayn goes to harry and the others. I am alone in the living room with pain everywhere. After a little while zayn comes to me. "Sorry had to discus something" he says. He turns on the tv and we cuddle again. I just feel so safe in his arms. "Niall i kinda wanna smoke" he says.

"Suck for you i feel fine right now" i answer. "Please?" He asks. "Nope!" I answer. "Niall please! I wanne smoke and then i am back!" He says. I sigh and nod. He stands up. "Now i am cold" i say. He gives me a blanket.

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