chapter 8

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Zayns pov

I'm proud he is eating. He goes in for surgery so i just wait for him to come back and soon as he does i just sit with him. I ask the doctors tons of questions if he is gonna be okay. He is gonna be okay so that's nice. 

It's his left hand and he is left handed so he can't use that for a while. He has cast on his hand. He wakes up and smiles at me. "Hi Zayn" he says with a smile. "How are you feeling?" i ask. "It hurts a lot but i really wanna go back now. Still not a fan of hospitals" he answers. 

I nod and we go home. Everyone else is in bed so i go too. "Zayn i kinda liked the cuddle. Can i sleep uh with you. I know it's stupid and you probably don't want it. I also regretted asking so never mind" Niall says. "No it's okay i do wanna cuddle" i say with a smile. He smiles at me and he even blushes a little. 

I grab his hand and we go upstairs. I take off my shirt and he looks at me and he looks at my stomach. I have a big scar on my stomach from a fight. "Whaa-what happened?" he asks me worried. "A few months ago i got in a fight and he stabbed me" I say. I see him scratching himself, i grab his hand and lay down. 

He lays on my stomach and it's cute. "I hate school and everyone in it except for Harry" he says. "Why?" i ask. "Like you loved school" he answers. "I was populair so i had it easy. Why?" I ask worried. "Nothing. I wanna cut myself, i really do" he wants to  stand up but i pull him back on me. 

"No, Zayn you need to let me do or i-i wanna do it in the morning worse. I need to do it now" he says. "Well, I'm not letting you. Come here" i sit up and he sits between my legs. Not in a sexual way just so he can't get away from me and so he can't hurt himself. 

Nialls pov

 I like how we sit. It's nice and I feel his whole body. I see his arms and it has beautiful tattoo's. "Did it hurt?" i ask. "A little" he answers. "I want some too" he hits me soft. "No! You ain't gonna get one just cus it hurts" he says. 

"But i do wanna have one cus it hurts" i say. "Not gonna happen luv" he says. "Dang it!" I say and he laughs. "Okay go to sleep. You got school" he says. "Okay daddy" i say. OH NO I DIDN'T SAY THAT! SHIT! "Oh i am your daddy now?" Zayn asks with a smirk. "You kinda are a sugger daddy cus i live in your house and you pay everything" i say stupidly.

Zayns pov

He isn't making it easier for me or him. I wanna fuck him now really bad. "Niall?"  I say. "I'm just making it worse don't i?" He asks insecure. "Yeah. I really wanna have sex with you" i say. He covers his stomach so for me it's a sign he doesn't wanna do it. "But i am not gonna do that cus you don't want to"

He shrugs and i look at him confused. "Hey luv whats wrong?" I ask him. He doesn't answer so i look at him and he has teary eyes. I make him turn around so he faces me. I wipe away his tears.

"Hey whats wrong?" I ask him with a serious tone. "I hated myself and i always wore boy clothes. I cut my own hair. I was a girl" he says which kinda shokes me cus i would never have guessed that.

"See you find it stupid too!" He says. He wants to walk away but i pull him back. "I don't. I just never would have seen on you. I am okay with it niall" i tell him and he cries against my chest.

After a while he stops so i look. He fell asleep so i keep him tight against me. I also fall asleep.

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