chapter 17: to tokyo?

Start from the beginning

"That's dumb." You rolled your eyes. "Also, don't do that gesture. It's disrespectful and you know it."

But Touya insisted, inching his face closer to yours. Narrowed pale blue met fierce e/c as you both refused to back down. "What does it mean then, Y/N? From all I know, it's just a peace sign."

"You know what it means." You said, your voice coated in venom.

Batting each of his lashes, he pushed his bottom lip out. "Do I?"

"Hey, back off." Muichiro spoke, pushing the male's head away from yours. "Why don't you go play your stupid mobile game?"

"Oh, shit! I forgot to do my login rewards!" Touya rushed to pull out his phone, busying himself with whatever flashy game he was playing at the time.

Your boyfriend and you quickly passed each other glances before snickering.

"Dude, what song is this?" You peeked over at Muichiro's phone, holding the earbud in your ear. "You have interesting taste."

Bored and understimulated by the faint traditional music playing on the bus, you both had decided on listening to music on Muichiro's playlist.

"What? Do you not like RADWIMPS?" He frowned. "This is one of their newer songs, too."

"What is it called?" You asked, leaning onto his shoulder. He pulled away from you.

"I thought you didn't like them." Muichiro had handed you one of his earbuds for the long drive, his playlist on shuffle.

"RADWIMPS?" Yuichiro placed an arm on the armrest connecting his and Touya's seats. "Y/N, how the fuck do you not like them?"

"I never said I don't like them!" You reasoned, waving your hands around frantically. "I just wanna see."

Pale blue eyes lit up as he saw a glimpse of the song playing on the younger twin's phone. "Oh my gosh, I know this one! Tututulu talala—"

"I swear on your nonexistent hairline, Touya." You snapped. "If you start singing, I will choke you."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." He replied, resting his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his seat. "We should play a game."

"No!" You and your boyfriend yelled in unison. Gosh, where's Mitsuri when I need her?!

As if your prayers had been answered, your phone began to ring. "Mitsuri!" You cried, cheerfully, as you lifted the phone up to your ear. "Hello?"

"Y/N! Oh my gosh, did you make sure to pack a spare change of clothes?!"

"A spare change of what?!" You leaned forward in your seat, your eyes widening in shock as music continued to play in your other ear. "You're kidding me."

The three boys were now looking at you in horror, realizing your fatal mistake. "Yeah! The drive back to Osaka is like, seven hours! There's no way we're not gonna be staying in a hotel for the night!"

"Nobody told me!" You panicked. "I didn't book anything!"

"It's alright! All of us were booked into a nice hotel, complimentary of course. Just get a spare change of clothes because you're definitely going to need to shower."

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