Chapter Forty-Eight

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Natalia POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•·. ·' ♥ '·. ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

I was sitting beside Danielle in the waiting room of the infirmary as we impatiently waited for any news about Malin.

It's been a few hours since the war ended and things are just starting to settle down. The Vitalis army was suggested to travel back to Vitalis. Some traveled back to see their families but most of the knights still stayed to wait for any news about Malin.

Now, Malin was not only considered their heir but their hero as well. If it wasn't for Malin trying to stop the war, most of them would be dead on that field, same for Credia knights.

People were all trying to rest today because tomorrow will be the start of the rebuilding of Credia, the only task everyone was taking care of today is the knights that died on the field, so the kingdom was mostly quiet as families went home to spend time with each other after all the horror we had gone through.

"Where's Isabelle?" I asked quietly to Danielle who was sitting beside me on the wooden bench.

She sighed, "She's outside with everyone. She won't take my advice and rest. I'm worried because of all of the running we did to get out of the dungeon, that it would be too much for her body."

"Don't worry, Isabelle's a tough cookie," I said with a small smile that was barely there. Worry was eating me up inside as I turned to look out of the window. I looked at the night sky as my chest became tighter and tighter as more time passes.

So many things happened today and I can't believe the day is about to end.

The door opened and Leo entered with her arm around Alia's waist to guide her. Alia broke her ankle and now has to rely on either Leo or her cane to walk around.

Alia gave me a soft comforting smile as she limped to sit on my other side.

"How's your leg?" I asked weakly, trying my best to not lose my mind by distracting myself with conversations that weren't about me or Malin.

She looked down at her covered foot, "It's nothing. I'll be fine in a few weeks," she said with a sad smile, a shadow of how she broke it wasn't easy to ignore.

If Malin hadn't pushed her out of the way she would've been dead and Credia would be in a completely different situation right now.


My lips wobbled as tears slid down my face for the nth time this day. I looked down at my dress which was now ruined. I tried to wipe off the small patch of dirt but was unsuccessful.

All the good Malin did today was something no one would ever forget.

This is the redemption she'd been longing for.

She's not the Dark Royal anymore, but the Royal who saved the two of the most powerful kingdoms from completely erasing each other from the map.

The hero no one expected.

I leaned forward to cover my face with my hands which were still shaking from all the events of today.

We were quiet as we waited. Counting the seconds that passed when we had no updates.

How long will this torture last?

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