Chapter Nineteen

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Malin POV
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I paced around my chamber. I can't believe what happened to me and Natalia in the basement. I completely lost control.

The only comfort I had was that Natalia also lost her control. I saw the look in her eyes that reflected mine, she wanted it as much as I did.

Something uncontrollable pulled us together. I didn't really mind that Maria was there, I wasn't the least embarrassed about what happened. She could join for all I care, but I couldn't say the same about Natalia. She was mortified.

My God, we were in a trance.

A couple of days passed as Maria suggested we take a few days break because of how intense our last meet-up was. I completely agree, I needed a breather. I needed a few days away from Natalia and away from the power of the bond.

I continued to pace as I worried about our next meet-up again later. I didn't want to do it again. I hate losing control and what happened pushed me to the brink.

I drank my medicinal tea to get ready for the day. A cough expectedly climbed from my lungs and I coughed on my handkerchief and specks of blood stained the clean piece of cloth.

My first blood stain for the day.

I groaned and threw myself on the bed. Maybe I shouldn't have let Maria give us a break, we needed this bond broken as soon as possible. My body is already trying to give up.

I stood up took a deep breath and pulled the large wooden door open. I turned to my bodyguard when I reached the hallway. "I'm going out," I said and closed the door behind me.

I didn't know where I'm going, I'm just sure I didn't want to be stuck in that room for another second.

I exited the castle and was greeted by the warm surroundings. I pulled my hood tighter around my face as I started to walk down the wide steps.

I wandered aimlessly around town until I passed by the market and saw a bookstore that I'm pretty sure was Isabelle's grandmother's store.

I headed for it and pushed the wooden door open and entered. It was a cozy-looking shop with a few small stools and benches in every corner for readers to lounge around.

I walked around looking at books. Most of the books were new and slightly used.

I took one and saw Marco Polo, Travels on the cover. Maybe this would be more interesting than what they left in my room.

I took the book and looked for anyone. "Hello?" I called. No one answered.

"If no one's here I'm stealing this," I continued and my voice echoed through the shop.

I'll give them a few seconds before I walk out.

"I'm coming!" I heard a feminine voice answer.

I looked up to see Isabelle rushing down the stairs "Sorry, I didn't realize Grandma Judy wasn't here," she said and went to the other side of the wooden counter and looked up at me with a smile "Hi, Malin," she greeted.

I cringed at her cheerful arrival "Hi, Isabelle," I said anyway. I wasn't used to being smiled at to be honest, so it kind of makes me uncomfortable.

She reached for the book in my hand to register it in their record book. Her quill moved smoothly across the record book.

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