Chapter Thirty

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Malin POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•· . ·' ♥ '· . ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

We went to the back lounge room of the shop to rest for a bit. What we did was so risky. We might be hidden from the outside but someone could've entered the shop and heard us inside the bathroom.

We seem to lose all sense when we're together.

Natalia stood by the small closet to change her clothes. "I thought we had a deal where you don't cum inside me," she said and raised her eyebrow at me which I found incredibly hot.

I winced, "I don't usually do that. This bond makes me stupid," I said. You make me stupid.

She sighed, "Good thing I have remedies, but if you do that again next time I'm going to choke you in your sleep," she said.

I smirked, "Sounds kinky." But the words next time didn't escape me. She still wants to be with me. I didn't know why that made my stomach flutter.

She rolled her eyes before taking off her skirt and top and replacing it with a dress that made me want to go for round two but I knew one risky moment is enough.

I didn't know if I should leave. I didn't want to, and Natalia didn't make me feel like she wanted me to. So I stayed.

I stayed in the back room when some customers came to buy something so they wouldn't see me, thankfully there were only a few of them who stopped by. The shop was quiet for the two hours we stayed there.

We talked and told stories and I felt lighter than I'd ever been. She listened and laughed as I told her some of my most ridiculous adventures and I grew more respect for her when she told me about her upbringing and losing both her parents.

I never felt this close to anyone. I've had sex with so many people but I've never spent time talking and getting to know them. I just leave after.

This is so much different.

The bond may be the one that brought us to each other but we were the ones that made us closer.

We didn't have sex again after our little scene in the bathroom but we did play chess. "This is so stupid. Are royals supposed to be born good at this game and we normal citizens were made to just suck at it," Natalia complained after losing to me three times in a row.

I chuckled and moved my bishop, "Checkmate," I said.

"Oh fuck off," Natalia grumbled before she stood up. I laughed as I watched her head to the door. "Where are you going?" I asked turning my head to face her while I stayed sitting on the wooden floor.

She looked down at me, "It's almost five, I'm going to close up. Come on," she said.

I followed her to the main area as she grabbed her cloak and bag from the chair in the corner. We headed out of the door and then she proceeded to lock it.

I looked around the bright surroundings and found my bodyguard sitting by the fruit section eating a banana still glaring at me. He stood up and walked towards me ready to follow.

"Come on, you're still mad at me? I said I was sorry," I said to him. He looked away from me with his nose up continuing to eat his banana.

I sighed. Fine. Whatever.

Royal Revenge (GirlxGirl)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin