Chapter Seven

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Ramona changed into casual clothes so much similar to what Danielle and I were wearing. Gone was the innocent girl she portrayed. We kept our heads low as we wandered around town.

We agreed to rest first before heading back home.

Ramona suggested we go drinking at one of the taverns. Danielle was hesitant because she knows what Ramona is like when she was drunk but, I wanted to have a drink and relax.

"Let's go," I said and we headed to one of the hidden taverns on the corner.

We entered the place and it was quieter compared to the other taverns around town.

It was a little busy but not too much. There weren't rowdy knights or drunk assholes. Just people having quiet conversations.

It was darker and a little unmaintained but it was cozy, a nice place to get a little rest in. We took a table and ordered a drink each.

Danielle sighed as she leaned back "This is quite nice. Good idea Ramona," she praised as she sipped her drink and winced at the foul taste.

Ramona nodded and took a large drink from her goblet that made me look at Danielle but she only shrugged.

After a few drinks and a couple of stories later, Ramona was a little tipsy and wanted to go to the bartender and flirt but we stopped her.

"No, no, no. No more flirting in bars" Danielle said and pulled Ramona back down.

Ramona grumbled but sat down and reached for her drink.

"What happened with Carina anyway?" I asked. I knew she and Carina had something. Carina used to visit Ramona quite often in her house and when Ramona was injured from our trip to Vitalis, Carina was almost hysterical with worry.

Ramona shrugged "We don't talk anymore," she said tracing the markings of her goblet.

Danielle and I gave each other a look before turning back to a tipsy Ramona.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Ramona took another drink "We just don't," she said vaguely but I could see that her eyes started to water before she blinked them away.

Danielle patted her back "Well, there are plenty more fish in the sea as they all say," she said, trying not to look uncomfortable. Danielle is really not good with people.

I didn't know what she and Carina had so I didn't want to push. Maybe they just got tired of each other or the fire just sizzled out. That happens all the time.

I leaned my elbows on the table, "Well, Natalia is single, you just have to compete with her dozen suitors like Lucas," I said with a shrug.

Ramona snorted, "Have you seen Natalia? She's a walking heartbreak, and I'm already going through one to add another one, thank you very much" she said with another gulp of her drink.

Danielle shook her head "What are talking about? Natalia's great," she said munching on some beans.

Ramona sighed and turned to the ceiling in thought "How do I explain this to my friends that are monogamous and met their soulmates early and never had the struggle of going through heartbreak after heartbreak with different people," she said as she tapped her lip.

I reached and smacked her shoulder "Whatever, Natalia won't be that reckless when it comes to you. You're friends," I said.

Ramona rolled her eyes "Natalia is easily bored. You have seen her with different people like once a week. Natalia is gorgeous, that's why men and women are falling to their knees for her and she still ends up bored. but honestly, she's just not my type," she said and took a drink.

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