Chapter Twenty-Six

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Malin POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•· . ·' ♥ '· . ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

The loudness of the banquet is familiar. We used to have this every week in Vitalis. Celebrating random things is my father's hobby. We have a banquet every end of the month, for celebrating farmers, for celebrating new knights, and even when my father just feels like it.

It was wasteful but my father didn't care. He wanted company, even when the people around him weren't close to him or even fond of him.

Somedays I feel bad for him, for being lonely all the time, but most of the time I didn't care. He deserved all the hardships he went through.

And now he's dead.

I looked up from my table to see Carina walk in, she didn't look as happy as someone getting married to a Duke should be.

Then Ramona followed, there was a moment when her mask slipped and she looked broken but then she put on her smile back up.

I had a feeling they had something before, maybe a secret lover perhaps. I turned to my bodyguard, "I bet you five coins Carina and Ramona were past lovers," I said to him.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not doing this."

Now I'm the one rolling my eyes, "Aren't you getting bored? It's always you and me all the time with nothing to do. A little bet is nothing," I tried to convince him.

He scratched his beard, "How are you going to prove that about Lady Carina and Ramona?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I'm going to ask them," I said and stood up and his eyes widened. I had a big smile on my face as I walked towards Carina who was standing alone and getting a drink, but before I even took a step I felt this overwhelming feeling and my hand immediately went to my chest.

I immediately looked around for Natalia. She wasn't at Leo's table. Maria was with her friends, still without Natalia.

I turned to my bodyguard but he was in a conversation and was distracted by a knight giving him another drink and he looked very invested in their discussion.

I looked at the door at the back of the room and slowly moved toward it. Everyone was having a good time and wasn't interested in watching the little old me sneaking out.

I gave the loud rowdy people dancing in the middle of the room a last glance before I exited the door and was instantly surrounded by the cold and quiet night.

I didn't know where I was going but continued to walk anyway. Like something was pulling me with a string.

I ended up at one of the open towers. It wasn't as high as the others but it was high enough to give a breathtaking view of Credia at night.

The moon was large as it cast a beautiful glow on the kingdom and I couldn't help but smile a little at the beauty of it all.

It took a bad health condition to finally make me take a step back and enjoy life. How cruel.

Suddenly I heard a sniffle. I turned and saw red hair under the moonlight and I immediately knew it was Natalia standing by the shadows.

I walked closer to her and stood beside her on the edge of the balcony. We watched the light of the houses below flicker off one by one.

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